Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Dedication...

There are so many thoughts swirling around in my heart and head about the precious day we dedicated our son, our son, to the Lord.  And yet, I have no idea what to actually say.  So I'm simply going to start writing and see where it leads.  

Everyone on board with that plan?

First, I want to give y'all a play by play of events.  Our church approaches baby dedication with prayer.  There are no pictures of the baby on the video screen.  No definition of the baby's name (you can read that here.)  No introduction of the parents and sibling.  No family and friends being acknowledged.  

Instead, the parents bring their children to the front of the church, our pastor reads the names of each child being dedicated (in no particular order) and then he asks everyone, and that means the whole congregation, to come forward to lay hands on the families and pray over them.  Pastor John prays and everyone standing around prays as well.  

It's actually hard to really hear anything specifically.  Chris and his sidekick, ADD, struggle.  We both agreed we tried to focus on John and his words but at the same time, our groups pastor was praying right beside me and honestly, I could hear him easier.  

At the same time, I was praying too.  Thanking God for the miracle of Rhys.  His life and his future which God already has planned.  His impact for the Kingdom.  His solemn, analytical, determined little self.  

We were blessed to have several amazing people there to celebrate with us.  Two of my favorite people, Mrs. Skinny (Lori) and Superwoman (Linda) were in town for a weekend getaway.  They came to play with the kids and visit on Thursday and then joined us for church and brunch on Sunday.  

Mom and Dad surprised us and came too.  The church only gave us about three weeks notice so out of towners (also known as our entire family) couldn't come.  So Mom and Dad making the last minute trip was such a gift.  

And our dear friends, Paul and Abby, came to pray with us too.  They were our small group leaders.  Abby is one of my prayer warriors so she had the privileged of getting text messages about my labor and ultimate ruptured uterus and c-section the day Rhys was born.  That was some serious praying those women did that day.  

There was also our groups pastor, Jason.  We are just getting to know him since we've only been leading a group a couple of months but he knows our story.  In fact, he's one of the few people who came straight out and asked the question most people really want to say but try to be more polite.  "So y'all are older.  Any reason you waited so long to have kids?"  That's the question people want to ask.  Like, for real, y'all are old.  What's up with that?  

Can I tell you how much I adore him for asking the question with such brutal honesty?  I appreciate real.

So he came up, laid his hands on my shoulders and said, "This little guy has got something extra special."

Those words are music to any mother's ears.  

And that is exactly what I feel in my heart.  Our Little Man, Homeboy, Rhys McCullough...God has plans for him.  Extra special, Kingdom glorifying, gonna-break-this-momma's-heart, plans.  

Do other mommas feel that for their sons?  That burden of knowing their guy will grow to be a man?  I know God has equipped me with everything I need to raise him and the most important part of that is my complete understanding and acceptance I in no way can do this apart from Christ.  

So maybe that's where this post ends up.  Confessing how humbled and awe-struck I am to be Rhys' momma.  God must see something in me I don't see.  I feel largely inadequate and yet, every day (okay, most days) I also feel the strength only God can provide.  He will give me what I need to help Rhys grow into the mighty man of God he is meant to be.    

Enjoy the pictures of the day!  Rhys, despite his serious face, did have a good time.  And even though he will not remember this day, I will remember it and remind myself of the commitment we made as a family to our Savior.  

He's all yours, God.  Thank you for trusting him to us.