Sunday, May 20, 2012

To Our Son...

You, dear one, are an answer to so many prayers.  Before your dad and I were married, we knew we wanted two children.  A beautiful family of four.  We pray you will complete that dream for our family.  

We were not sure we would ever see that dream become a reality.  Our journey was long and life-changing.  But when I look down and see you kicking and stretching, I see a growing, amazing, miraculous example of God's grace and love.  

The search for your name was not easy.  Only because we wanted your name to be big enough to match your precious story.  Dad and I went through our own list of names we liked and didn't really agree on any of them.  We searched through the meanings of names trying to find one that fit.  None of those felt right either.  

But there was one name we kept coming back to time and time again.  It was one we discussed early on and honestly, the only name we never could walk away from entirely.  Then we started to research the meaning of this name and, son, I laughed out loud when I heard it.  Perfect fit, little man.  

Rhys McCullough

Depending on where you look, Rhys has two meaning.  Running and enthusiasm.  
Oh, little one!  Your dad runs.  Possibly more running than actual walking.  We struggle to walk next to each other.  It's his nature to move much faster than I ever could.  Or would want to, really.  He runs towards the next task, the hard work, the opportunity to do better.  I love that about him.  So much so that I don't mind when he can't walk right next to me.  Be free, man!  

But then I started thinking...immediately thinking about Hebrews and running the race.  

"...And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." ~ Hebrew 12:1-2

Our prayer is you will run the race.  You will fix your eyes on Jesus and run with perseverance the path God has planned for your life.  We pray you will be strong, confident and bold along that race.  Pray you will never lose sight of the sacrifice of Christ and His love, immense love, for you.

The second meaning, enthusiasm, is just so simple.  We could not be more absorbed in our love for you!  We pray you will be enthusiastic about the life God has planned for you.  Be occupied by your pursuit of His will.  I pray you will always be eager to know Him.  Passionate about the work you will be a part of for God's kingdom.  

And know, we will always, always, always run the race enthusiastically right by your side.  

Your middle name, McCullough, is from my Great Great Grandparents.  Grandpa Brack McCullough lived to be one week shy of his 100th birthday.  He served in both World Wars.  I can't imagine what our world would look like without men of his courage.  His wife, Hattie Lou, was an equally strong woman.  Raising children and working while her husband served his country.   

McCullough is a tribute to their strength.  A trait I pray God will grant you as well.  Look no further than your dad, Nana and Puddin, Meme and Buddy, Uncle Adam & Aunt Carrie, Uncle Brantley & Aunt Meredith and Gigi to see Godly, gracious, loving examples of that strength.  In my family, Brack and Hattie Lou may have been the first examples of that strength but you are blessed with an entire family from which you can learn.

Run the race, embrace God's plan for your life with enthusiasm and hold fast to your strength through Christ and the love of your family.  

You are so very loved, son.  Our precious, Rhys.  

Mom and Dad


  1. I love it! What a heritage he has and love from all of us! We can't wait to meet him. Nana loves you Rhys!

  2. Rhys, You are so loved. Your Mama and Daddy picked out the perfect name for you! Perfect in every way.
