Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Three Year Old...

Aubrey Kate had her three year old check up today!  

(Yes, I realize it's a month late.  Mother of the Year.)

I was pretty nervous.  She doesn't like to do basically anything anyone asks her to do.  We have to somehow convince her it's her idea.  But I started prepping her for the appointment yesterday.  Talked a lot about what Dr. Beth would do.  Weighing her, measuring her, looking in her mouth, yadda, yadda, yadda.  

Chris suggested taking her doctor's kit and THAT was an inspired suggestion.

To my utter surprise, she ran into the office, straight to the scale and stood right up looking at me like, "This ain't no big thang, Momma!'

We got weighed, measured her height and her head circumference without a single incident.  She even took off her shoes when Nurse Lacey asked!  

Ever had one of those moments when you think, "Where did this Aubrey Kate come from and can I keep her?"

No?  Never had those moments?


When it was time to take her blood pressure (which she'd never had done before), we pulled hers out of her doctor's kit and that helped remind her how it works.  The nurse said it was going to give her arm a hug and Aubrey Kate added, "And it won't even hurt!"

Rock.  Star.

The only moment of "three-ness" came when she was asked to put on the robe.  She never did.  But she was happy to run around the exam room in her panties.  Girly got almost entirely purple since it's freezing in there but she was happy.  I'm down with that.

The doctor gave her a couple of "tests" to see where she was developmentally.  She had to draw a circle and a straight line, both of which she could do last year too.  The doctor said she didn't even need to ask about her verbal skills because clearly, she's got that covered.


The only thing on the list I'm not sure about is the "pedal tricycles" skill.  Simply because we have never tried.  I'll have to keep my eye out for one.  

For stats, she weighs in at 29 lbs (29th percentage), is 36.75 inches tall (38th percentage) and her head is 47.5 cm around (they didn't give me a percentage for that).  

Basically, she's petite.  

Totally fine.  Her daddy always wanted a petite lady in his life.  He used to tell me "you'd be petite if you weren't so tall" which is a weird way of saying I'm tall and skinny.  

He tries.  

So proud of my little girl!  She got to pick a treat for being so good and she selected marshmallows.  Apparently, I have not done a good enough job of teaching her about the joy of chocolate.  Or McDonald's french fries.  

My Sweet Girl.  An absolute joy!  

A strong-willed, healthy one!

My miracle!
That smile!
"Take my picture, Momma!"

1 comment:

  1. What a cutie and a crack-up! Glad to hear everything went well at her 3 year appt. I understand the trepidation over bringing her to the doctor's; we go through that every time too!
