...but my head is pounding and the ringing in my ears is too loud so I'm not sure which one it is.
Today, I decided to give up sugar, all forms, and soda.
See, here's the thing. I've been eating mostly junk all summer. At least. But even last year, when I spent most of my days out of the house, I ate junk. I packed a lunch, obviously. However, the grocery stores were just kinda right there. Selling fruit snacks and veggie straws and gluten-free bars.
I've tried to do a kind of step down thing but I start to feel bad and I know some quick sugar will fix it and so I give in.
Personality insight about myself, I'm an all or nothing girl.
I'm either running like it's my job and pushing myself to the limits. Or I'm sitting on the couch scanning Pinterest.
There's really no in between.
Thankfully, for me, I really enjoy exercise. It's not a punishment to run. I like a good sweat. The way I feel AFTER the run, it's worth it.
The Celiac's keeps me in check with most of my favorite starches. Eating a butter, garlicy, warm piece of bread? Twelve hours of pain and days of recovery. Otherwise, me and Little Debbie would be besties.
I've known for months I needed to make a change. But, getting to that point of actually doing it? Not easy. I've already given up bread, pasta, cakes, cookies and eating out in public without being a complete DIVA about my food.
I hate being that girl.
So to voluntarily give up anything else, that feels like too much.
However. Although.
Chris loves to quote the the definition of insanity. Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.
My level of hunger had reached uncontrollable. I was sitting and mindlessly eating just because I could. I would fill up and then be hungry again in an hour. I didn't need food. My body was addicted to the sugar.
So in my reset of my health, I have to make this change.
I couldn't keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect to feel better.
I'm certain it won't be a forever change. Just a time for me to get my system back under control. Go back to eating real food and not sugary junk. Even without Little Debbie as an option.
Here's just the super funnest part: I feel like crap.
I've figured out drinking massive amounts of water and putting salt on my food helps with the nausea. So far though, nothing is helping the incredibly headache. My joints ache. And could fall asleep any minute.
Whatever. It's fine.
I'm hopeful this won't last too long. A couple of days. I ran this morning and I have every intention of running tomorrow. Because I do firmly...FIRMLY...believe exercise is healing. I've out run too many colds to count. Experience tells me, while it might not cure all the withdrawal symptoms, it just might help end them sooner or ease them enough to function.
Anyone out there have any experience with a sugar elimination diet? I'm working with a low carb diet. High fat, moderate protein, minimal carbs. Yes, it's extreme but, like I said, I don't do anything half-way.
Goodbye Cheerios and hello cheese.
Praying symptoms are over soon. I've been on no carb diets before. Hard. But I do remember the hunger craving were so much less. But You know my crumbly bar is my downfall. Plus Rhys and AK would miss Nana's crumbly bar😍