Monday, September 26, 2016

Last Summer Hurrah...

Happy Monday, y'all!  Anyone do anything fun this weekend?  I mean other than my mom.  She ran almost 11 miles.  That's enough fun for just about all of us.  

I'm slowly working my way back up to a solid run pace.  This time around, I'm determined not to get used to the treadmill and it's steady, flat running space.  I mean, I LOVE it.  But if I'm gonna conquer the half again in February, I need to be able to run with some change in elevation.

My goal is a 10K at the end of October.  I've been getting in between 4 and 5 so far but I haven't been running all of that.  Mostly?  I'm walking UP hill and running DOWN hill or on flat ground.  I'll work up to running up hill.  I have to rebuild some quad strength first.  

Today I tackled a little over five.  Because it was only 70 degrees.  And that is blissful.  I'm hopeful running in slightly cooler temps will help me push through.  

And approximately none of that did anyone want to know.  


Okay, so Friday, the kids were out of school.  Teacher work day.  Although I hear it was region meetings and such instead of teachers being able to actually WORK in their classrooms.  I'm not positive, because I didn't look it up or anything, but based on the number of people at the Zoo on Friday, we were the only school system out.

The Zoo was basically empty.  Just toddlers and their mommas.  Which is totally fine with us.  We had a blast.

Our Zoo has a splash pad.  It's extra to go but it's totally worth it.  The Zoo was getting set up for their annual fundraiser that weekend so the kids' area and petting zoo were closed.  The kids were kinda bummed but the splash pad made up for it.

AK brought the camera she got for her birthday and took a zillion pictures.  She loves that thing.  And it was totally worth the five bucks from a trading site.  

Here she is holding her camera, ready to shoot!  Rhys, as always, needed a snack break all of ten minutes in.  We saw the gorilla and, more importantly, the baby gorilla, and he needed a break.  

Truth be told, we only walked the zoo for about an hour total.  We ate lunch at 10:50.  And that took some serious stalling tactics to make it that far.  They really just wanted to go to the splash pad.

So we did.

They played, ate, played, ate, played, and ate for three hours.  The water was cold, according to AK but considering it was 95 degrees and sunny, I gave her a big ole WHATEVER and kicked her back out into the water.  

Rhys complained about nothing.  Water play is his happy place.  

As for me, I managed to read half a book.  I drank and read and talked with AK and gave out snacks and read and drank.  Also, I sweated.  But I tried to take a walk through the water every 30 minutes or so just to cool off.  

Sadly, the splash pad closes this week.  Summer lasts all the way through September here. I wish all the pools and water parks were open past Labor Day but they close.  At least we were able to have one last water play day!  

Both kids promptly fell asleep in the car.  Rhys was out before I even made it to the interstate (about five minutes) and AK gave up about half way home.  It's a quick 25 minute drive.  Easy peasy.  I let them sleep another 30 minutes once we got home.  It's a rough job to read a book peacefully in the car, but someone has to do it.

Once they woke up, we had about 15 minutes before our friends from across the street came over.  Then they invited us over for pizza and movie night.  I was grateful for the nap since the kids didn't get in bed until 9 pm.  

I mean, really.  My kids are living the dream, y'all.  Zoo and splash pad.  Playtime with friends.  Pizza and movie night.  

Living. The. Dream.

However.  HOWEVER.  Saturday might have been the best day of them all.

The kids still got up before the sun.  Because God has a sense of humor. 

After my run, I took a shower and Chris left for his day of band.  But by 9:30 am, the kids were playing with the neighbor friends.  And they continued to play together until 6:30 pm.  

They went back and forth.  An hour here.  Two there.  They ate lunch there (Lunchables) and dinner here (hot dogs).  There was sidewalk chalk.  And coloring pages.  And swinging.  And OH MY HEAVENS.  We have hit the sweet spot of childhood.  They play.  I do laundry, craft and watch football.


So while they were playing, I managed to do all my chores and make the third wreath for the door.  This one is fabric only, so here's hoping it doesn't melt.  

Fade, likely.  But watch as pieces slowly slide off?  Nope.

Neighborhood friends are THE BEST.

Until they get tired of each other.  Which I am certain will happen at some point.  But I'm praying not until after October.  When marching band stuff ends.  Cause this band widow thing is awesome when they have friends to entertain them!  

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