Sunday, November 16, 2014

Gratitude, er...Sunday...

I would totally apologize for missing Friday...

...or the last two weeks really...

...but I'm not because my parents were here last week and, well, they win.  So I'm actually not at all sorry I skipped writing to spend time with them.  Or watch Nana play with my kids.  We won't see them again until Christmas and I needed to soak them up.

Before they left, Nana told the kids she would see them at Christmas.  Rhys spent some serious time crying yesterday afternoon because I wouldn't take him to Christmas to see Nana and Puddin.  

"Go to Christmas to see Nana and Puddin, Momma?!?!!"


We had a great week!  Braved the cold to see Daddy's band perform before they left for their last competition of the year.  Had story time and lunch at Chick-fil-a.  Shopped for some treats at Target (where all good and perfect Dollar Spot treats are found).  Ate a ROAST we let the crockpot cook for us (I believe the last roast we had was a year ago).  Watched while Nana chased the kids all around the house hiding from the evil Snowman (no idea...maybe Frozen?).  

Then I got to go to hear All Sons and Daughters and David Crowder with a precious friend.  I wore real clothes and everything!  Left the concert totally filled up and refreshed.  

Truly, a great week!

But my gratitude story has nothing to do with those.  Although I am immensely grateful for my parents and they way they love us.  Grateful Dad could come this time.  Grateful for the company while Chris was traveling.  And grateful for both a crazy successful marching band season AND that marching band 2014 is OVER.  

However, this week, I am grateful for "Annie."

A couple of weeks ago, I noticed Netflix had added a whole bunch of new stuff.  It was a Saturday night, I think, and I didn't want to watch Auburn football because, for the love, I just can't take the stress.  So I snuggled up in bed and searched for something new to watch.

I settled on "Dear Zachary" and let me just warn you, DO NOT WATCH THIS DOCUMENTARY.

There was ugly crying.  And not much sleeping afterward.

But I did manage to find a couple of new movies for the kids to watch.  The 1987 version of "Annie" that I'd grown up with being one of them.

One day the next week, I offered to let Aubrey Kate stay up from nap to watch it.  I knew she would love it...and she did.  What I didn't remember was how sad the orphans were in the opening song or how yucky Miss. Hannigan was.  

When they girls sang about not getting toys from Santa, I knew that wasn't going to escape Aubrey Kate.  She was rather concerned.  

"No toys from Santa?!?!?!  Is that TRUE, Momma?!?!?!"


Then when Miss Hannigan sings her song about Little Girls, I was the one who was disturbed.  She was drunk, as always, complaining about how her life was dripping with little girls.  Some women are dripping with diamonds.  Some with pearls.  But she was covered in little girls.

As with all movies, "we" have to watch them a couple of times through to really pick up on some things.  So while AK was originally shocked by the concept of NO SANTA, she became much more concerned about little girls without mommies and daddies.  

And I became even further concerned about the negative attitude Miss Hannigan was preaching about little girls.

(SIDENOTE:  I find myself increasingly concerned with how our culture values children in general.  My favorite response to "you have your hands full," which I get often because Rhys is a little a lot CRAZY, is "yes, full of beautiful, good things."  No matter how frustrated I get, a comment from a stranger on the value of my children immediately jerks me back into the truth that they are a much prayed for, much loved GIFT.  Rant over.)

But as with all things, God used both of these to tell His story.  

Aubrey Kate and I talked about orphans all over the world.  About how they might have come to be orphans and what we can do to help.  She never offered to bring one home like Daddy Warbucks but she did want to give them her toys and clothes and maybe she could buy them something with the money in her piggy bank.  

My heart ached knowing there truly are children longing for families.  "God sets the lonely in families..." Psalms 68:6.  I know He put me in His family when I chose to follow Him.  And I know He gave me my children when medically, there shouldn't have been.  But not every orphan gets adopted on this earth.  And not every human choses to be adopted into God's family either.  

But I know the seeds have been planted in my little miracle's heart.  Seeds God can and will use for His glory.  And one day, I pray, her heart will burst with passion for the least of these.  

Oh what a day that will be!

As for Miss Hannigan's nastiness, every time the song comes on, Aubrey Kate crawls up into my lap and I sing along with the song.  Singing to Aubrey Kate.  Smiling and kissing and loving on her.  I want her to know that MY life might be dripping with little girl things too but I LOVE IT.  I whisper "I love you" and tell her how much we wanted a little girl.  And how much we love having her in our family.  How blessed and grateful we are to our Father for granting us what we asked for in His name.

She giggles.

There are simply a million times a day to speak truth into our children's lives about God and His Kingdom.  Sometimes, we miss them.  Because we're too busy or too distracted or because we have to wear coats in the 30 degree weather and momma just might lose her patience with children who don't want to wear said coats.  But if we are tuned in and focused on these little people He's loaned us to raise, then we find the most glorious truths to share.

Thank you, Lord, for always guiding me in raising your precious little girl.  Thank you for giving me the words to speak.  And for giving her a receptive spirit.  She's growing into a kind, caring little girl. And I know that's because of Your truth.  Not mine.  

Anyone want to share their latest opportunity to share God in what would seem like an odd situation?  Because, really, who turns on "Annie" looking for the gospel?  

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet story! AK is a smart girl! I had a wonderful time with you and the children. Can't wait til Christmas!
    Love you,
