Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Our Soundtrack...

Around here, we love music.  Thanks to The Beatles Rock Band and the fact we started playing with Aubrey Kate at a few weeks old, she knows and will randomly sing Beatles songs frequently.  We sing them around the house too.  I like to use songs for pretty much anything.  If it's raining, I'll sing "Here Comes the Sun" but substitute rain for sun.  

Inevitably, Aubrey Kate corrects me.

And then calls me a Silly Goose.

The punishment for which is being tickled.  Mercilessly.

So we sing.  And bounce around.  I can't really call it dancing but we move.

Rhys might actually like music more than his sister which seems almost impossible.  As soon as he hears it, he drops whatever he's doing to start clapping.  


I wish I had a video of the kids clapping and dancing and singing but it's hard to do all that with them with the music playing on your phone and still video.  With that same phone.

When Chris gets done with school, maybe he can help with the video.

It really is precious.  And when things are not going well (need I remind you about the three year old?), a good ole dance party can turn the day around.  No one has to fight about sharing the music.  It belongs to all of us.

Although, Rhys really likes to hold the phone.

I thought I'd document/share the songs we're in love with these days.  Not much more heartwarming than listening to your daughter walk around the house singing these songs.  Writing them on her heart.  I believe Jesus smiles too.

1.  Everything Glorious - David Crowder

"You make everything glorious.  And I am Yours.  What does that make me?"

Let's just let that truth sink in.  Do you believe He has made you Glorious through Him?  

2.  Let It Be Known - Worship Central

Holy Moly.  If you need a good worship running song (...Mom), this is it.  Aubrey Kate calls this the "up, up" song.  Our worship leaders must seriously want us to learn this song because we are singing about every other week.  But it is really fun.

We sang it last Sunday.  I left Rhys in the nursery and brought AK in for the second service so we could sing together.  She wasn't entirely sure what to do but she seemed to have a good time watching. Although she thought it was dark.  

Oh, and we don't have a rapper in our worship band.  Too bad really.

3.  Great I Am - written by Jared Anderson (Phillips, Craig and Dean sing a version but really, it's all over the place)

This has to be Aubrey Kate's favorite.  She sings this...All. The. Time.  I'll hear her singing it playing with her dolls or in the bathtub or coloring at the table.  

If you need to get to a place of worship, this is it.  "God Almighty, the Great I Am. "  And if you need to get some courage to stand up in Jesus' name to whatever gunk is going on, this is courage in song form.

And I adore hearing it coming from my daughter.

4.  You Are - Colton Dixon

Apparently, this guy was on American Idol.  I vaguely remember him but I picked Philip Philips during his audition as the winner so I really could have cared less who else they put as competition for him.  

This is good stuff.  Simple but absolute truth.  Aubrey Kate calls this "the hope song."  Well, couldn't we all use some hope?

I get all hands-in-the-air-waving-em-around-like-I-just-don't-care at the bridge.

"If I had no voice, if I had no tongue, I would dance for You like the rising sun.  And when that day comes, and I see Your face, I will shout Your endless, glorious praise."

And there you have it!  We could go through a whole lot more but these are the four our little threesome sings and dances to the most.  These are the ones we know all the words to.  And so far, listening to them sixty times a day hasn't gotten old.  When it does, we'll learn us some more!  Can't know too many praise songs.  