From almost the minute you came into the world, you have been a sympathetic girl. Babies in the nursery would cry, you would look over and then cry right along with them. Other mothers and caregivers were not quite sure what to make of that. I would simply say you were a sympathetic crier.
So precious.
Now, you are still sensitive to others, although you cry a little less. If Rhys falls and starts crying, you will comfort him saying exactly what I would say, "Oh, sweet boy. I'm so sorry. It's okay." Sounds way cuter coming from you.
Your sensitive spirit also means you can be injured easily with words, tone and actions. A trait of yours I discovered early in your life.
However, it also means you are healed with words, tone and actions.
Your teachers tell us how caring and concerned you are about your friends. I see that too. Your empathy is refreshing. You tell me a classmate cried because she missed her mommy and in the next breath you say, "I missed you too, Mommy, but I didn't want to cry." You understand how she felt but your feelings didn't make you cry.
When I pray about your sensitivity, I always ask God to use it for His glory. You, Baby Girl, will be able to love people in ways I cannot imagine. Most of us pray for God to break our heart for what breaks His. You came with that sensitivity already.
What an amazing blessing!
I want you to know two things. One, I do not understand how deeply you feel both love and condemnation. It is not my nature. It is, however, your dad's and he understands completely. He has been wonderful in helping me learn how to parent you. He totally gets you.
Two, your feelings will never be wrong or discounted. Yes, there will be times in life when you need to put on a brave face but not with us. We are firmly committed to making sure you always feel free to share with us. We are also equally committed to making sure you learn how to manage your sensitivity.
This precious, miraculous part of you is where I have met the Holy Spirit. I rely on Him so heavily to direct my words and discipline of you. I fail every day. But He, through you, is helping me become a more sensitive person as well.
And heaven knows, I need so much more.
I absolutely cannot wait to watch your love and empathy for others grow and develop. God has special plans for this vital part of who you are.
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
~ John 13:34 & 35
"Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
~ Proverbs 22:6
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