Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Aubrey Kate, you are talented...

Oh, my sweet girl!  You are such a creative joy!  You, Little One, will dance, sing, color and write your way through life.  

And I love it.

You come from a line of right-brained, liberal arts, creative folks.  Heck, your dad has a doctorate degree in creative.  He makes music for a living.  You've got singers, designers, a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, and me, of course, who did manage to earn a living even with a Literature degree.

Your vocabulary, love of color, ease with music and observant nature are all such amazing talents!  Creative people give shading to the world.  Regardless of their medium, they help us see the beauty in God's creation.    

And you know who the most talented artist is?  God!

Aubrey Kate, you are created in His image and He picked some of His own special talents to give to you.  He designed and painted all the flowers, the vibrancy of a sunset, the spectrum of colors in a rainbow and the perfect pink of your cheeks.  

Your creativity, your love of music, your interest in mixing colors to make new ones...that's all part of who God is as well.  

There will be times when the logical, left-brained people of the world may not see the value in your talent.  I pray you will see them with a Christ-centered empathetic eye and recognize...it's not their fault they love math.  God made them in His image too.  And so He also loves math.  

Really.  He does.

And who knows?  Perhaps those talents might shine through in you one day too!  Your Puddin', Buddy and yes, even me, would be thrilled.  Talents in math, science and all things logical are to be valued as well.  And there certainly is beauty in those!  

Well, maybe not word problems.  I'm not sure there is beauty in those.  

So let's paint another picture, Little One!  Twirl around one more time!  Sing another verse!  God delights in you!  And He's singing over you!

"So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female, He created them." ~ Genesis 1:27

"The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves.  He will take great delight in you; in His love, He will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing."  
~ Zephaniah 3:17