Sunday, November 4, 2012

Gratitude: Pastor...

We've only been attending our church since the spring.  Took us a long time to settle down.  For all the positives about the contemporary church, there are some drawbacks for traditional church goers like us. 

Like not having a hallway full of Sunday School classes to visit.  

Instead you have to visit small groups in homes.  Some of which meet every week, some every other, some once a month, some have childcare, some don't, some are open for new people and some are at maximum capacity.  

All of them, at least that we found, love to host gluten-filled pot luck socials though.  

Somethings about southern churches don't really change.

Regardless, it's a long process.  Each church approaches the small group assimilation a little differently and honestly, we liked this church's approach the best.  

The preaching wasn't bad either.

But I've never actually met our pastor.  

I know.  

The reasons could take up a whole week of posts alone but mostly, it comes down to this...I don't need to meet him.  Not the way this church works.  I would like to...someday... but it's not necessary.  

Fortunate for him.  I'm not all that exciting.  

And don't worry.  He's completely available.  It's not like he's the wizard behind the curtain or anything.  

However, I sure do respect the heck out of the man.

During the week, I will find myself replaying his sermons.  There's only been one other person's sermons I've watched multiple times and that is our friend, Posty.  

This pastor hits me to my core every week.  Or rather, the Holy Spirit lets me know the pastor's words are hitting me.  

Every.  Week.

I am ridiculously grateful for that and for him.  Being a pastor cannot be an easy thing.  I would imagine the pressure to be all things to all people all the time and deal with the pressure we humans put on them to live a blameless life (which we all can agree is impossible) is a lot.  

Living life on that pedestal has to be...daunting?  Lonely?  Tiresome?  

And yet, they are obedient to God's calling in their life.  Pedestal and all.

So, thank you, Pastor John.  We've never met but I am grateful for you.  And I am praying for you.  

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