Friday, October 5, 2012

Gratitude Friday...

Don't. Move. A muscle.  


My house is clean.  Laundry is done.

At.  The.  Same.  Time.

Don't tell the children.  

If we don't move and the kids stay asleep...from now until will still be clean when I actually want it to be clean.  

Oh, who am I kidding?  It won't last past nap time.

All this cleaning has been done for one purpose and one purpose only...

...Mrs. JT is coming.

For the love, I am so excited I could have cleaned three houses during school hours this morning.  

Okay, that's an exaggeration.  


Right now, I am waiting for the toddler to fall asleep so I can finish vacuuming.  Then I will sort the clothes for the consignment shop I washed and get them in the car for drop off tomorrow.  

And lest you think I'm on some sort of Super Woman Tour, we went through the clothes because the high tomorrow is 54 and Pumpkin has zero, zippo, nadda in the way of cold weather clothing.

AK and I had a good time yesterday morning playing dress up with last year's clothes.  She wanted to keep them all but dang, if girly didn't grow.  Her winter coat still fits though.

God is good.

So this week, apart from a well-fitting winter coat, I am most grateful to FINALLY get to see my oldest and dearest friend.  Grateful she gets to meet her godchildren.  Grateful to be looking forward to late nights filled with amazing conversation, popcorn and diet coke.  

Yes, folks, God is good.

Today, Aubrey Kate is grateful for her friends.

That seems fitting.

Because, sweet girl, I am very grateful for the exact same thing.

1 comment:

  1. She is excited as well! Ya'll have fun! Love reading your posts. Check everyday and know there will almost always be one on "Gratitude Friday"!

