Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Weigh-in Wednesday...

I tried to come up with a more creative title but, well, I'm exhausted.


This week wasn't so bad on the I AM OVER IT journey.  I got in maybe three runs but I did walk at least.  Other than this past weekend when Rick Mitchell's promised rain actually showed up.  We just hung out inside.

According to the scale, I've lost the three pounds I gained post-breast feeding.  Pretty stoked about that.

As for food, I stuck to the plan.  No sweets.  

Until Tuesday when I decided I was so exceedingly tired of holding Pumpkin down to suck the snot out of her nose.  

I opted for bribery instead.

One nose suck = One M&M

So I may have snuck a few of those during the day.  

Apart from the diet and exercise, additional contributions include the purchase of new pads for the running shoes and new running socks.

Largely because the current pads looked like this:

And the socks looked like this:

Run hard.

Before Mom left, we worked together to rearrange the office/guest room to turn it into the office/guest/gym... room.  We pulled the elliptical out of the corner and busted open the box with weights.  

Check it out:

My suspicion is I will spend a great deal of work-out time on that thing instead of outside running for a while.  

Largely because of last week's Epic Stroller Meltdown of 2012.  I literally cannot stomach the idea of fighting with her just so I can get in a work-out.  I'll restrict my battles for those days/nights when Rhys really needs the walk and Fridays when I can walk her to school.  

Once the time changes, I might head out the door first thing in the morning but I'm still a little leery of running in the dark by myself.  

Darn those Lifetime movies.

This next week will be challenging simply because my helper is leaving.  Mom heads out tomorrow.  And Chris starts working his 100 hour work week.  

Yes, that's an increase over the 76 hours he's been working up until now.  

It will also be hard because my friend leaves.  Mom keeps me sane.  It's lonely being with a non-stop talking toddler and nine week old all day.  I know myself well enough to know I will struggle to be human for a week or so. 

Running makes me human.  But fighting for it can be just one fight too many.

Let's hope simply the act of confessing that makes it untrue this time.

Until next week...

1 comment:

  1. Re walking early am or later pm,Don't know about the Texas wildlife, but in North Shebly Co. Alabama, we now have to watch for coyotes(in a neighborhood) and an over-abundance of deer. They are almost tame.
