Monday, September 17, 2012

Two Months...

Hey there, Internet!

Welcome to my two month birthday!

Let's hit the stats first:

Weight - Up to 11.6 lbs which is the 26% for my age.

Sooooo... I'm skinny.

Height - 24 inches and the 89%.

And...I'm tall.

Right.  I suspect skinny and tall are pretty much my future.  No one's really surprised by that.  And Mom keeps talking to me about something called "golf" and rambling about wanting a retirement house on the water.

She's funny.

I am doing my best to grow.  Eating about four oz of formula every 2 - 3 hours.  Even at night.  I want to sleep longer but my tummy growling wakes me up.  But I do sleep in my crib and that's really where I wanna be at night.  The bath, bottle, bed routine works for me.

Most of the time.

Sometimes I fuss about it but mostly, I go on to sleep.

Mom stays up for the first feeding, normally between 11 and midnight.  Then Dad gets up for the 2 - 3 am feeding.  Nana has been covering the 5 - 6 am feeding but Mom will take this one on now.  I generally go back down in my crib after that one so my "day" doesn't usually start until between 7 - 8.  Mom would prefer 8 so she could get Sister up and fed before I get up.

No promises.

During the day, I eat, kick around on the play mat, do some tummy time, sit up on Mom's knees (I like to look around) and then head to the swing.  The ceiling fan is absolutely the coolest thing in this house and I can see it from my swing.  I look at it for a while before I drift back off to sleep.

In the morning, I'll nap 45 minutes or so before I want to eat again.  My longest nap is right around noon.  I will eat and then immediately fall asleep.  Mom's down with that plan since Sister takes her nap shortly after that.  Mom gets a few hours of quiet.

Well, when she's not listening to Aubrey Kate singing in her crib.

Evenings are another story.  My fussy time has gotten much shorter though.  Now it's from 6ish until bedtime at 8 pm.  Mom likes to take me out for a walk after dinner.  I love being outside.  Calms me down right away.

But Aubrey Kate doesn't always want to ride in the stroller and Mom seems reluctant to let a 2 1/2 year old walk by herself.

It's not a battle I get in the middle of.

So sometimes we go on a walk.  And sometimes we don't.

If we don't, Mom walks me around the house.  In her arms.

I rock.

The cooing and the smiling are pretty cool.  Both seem to please the parents and Nana.  We'll keep trying those out and see what kinds of reactions I can get the more I do it.

I think that about wraps it up.  Things are cool.  

Enjoy the pictures!

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