Friday, March 26, 2010

Gratitude Friday…

The Evans’ are story tellers. One of the first things I noticed when Chris and I started dating was how they told stories about family members. After I while, I started to learn them because…well… they love to tell them over and over again. Coming from a family of "discussers" and debaters, it was an interesting change.

Honestly, it wasn’t all that comfortable for me at first. But over the years I have certainly come to appreciate those stories. You get to know people, both with us and those that have already gone, through those stories. Heck, I even feel like I know the dogs and the cats from yesteryear.

But the most important part about a family of story tellers is that as the family changes, the stories introduce us newbies to them. Like Grandmother Evans. I only had the privilege of getting to know her briefly before she went home to be with the Lord. Yet, the stories live on. Pretty strong lady that one. And I am very grateful to have her now as a part of my little girl.

This week, the family lost Granddaddy Evans. And over the past couple of days, Chris has been retelling just a few of the stories about his granddad. Things like waking the grandkids up at the crack of dawn on a Saturday with a hearty “Are you gonna sleep the day away?” Of course, the man had already walked to Louisiana and back before he woke them up. Or getting a Granddaddy Evans love pat which would about knock you into next week.

I also know that though Little E never got to meet her great-grandfather, through the endless supply of Evans’ family stories, she’ll get to know him pretty well. And Grandmother too. And probably the old black dog. She’ll eat Angel Biscuits at holiday dinners and listen to stories about how Grandmother didn’t run an all day kitchen and how Granddaddy loved to tinker and fix things.

It’s always sad when loved ones leave us. But thankfully, we all know the moment he left us, he was with our Savior in paradise. And Grandmother, his Bib, was waiting there for him as well.

Lord, thank you for the gift of story telling. For Grandparents. For parents and cousins and aunts and uncles. But thank you mostly for offering us eternal salvation where we can find rest in you and be reunited with those who’ve gone home before us. It makes the time here without them bearable knowing they are praising You.


  1. Love this!! I'm sure you will keep the family tradition going and tell stories to your little ones and their little ones down the road!

  2. I do love their stories! Some members of the family have extremely good memories about happenings in order to tell these stories.
    Baby E is already collecting her own for our families.
    Families are such a blessing!!
    Mom (Nana)

  3. Thank you for your sweet, sweet comment :) It still amazes me how God is using people I have never met to make such a difference in my life. You are definitely one of those people. I love you, girl!
