Friday, December 4, 2009

Gratitude Friday…

Okay, so at some point there is going to be the longest show and tell blog post in the history of the blog world.

Which is what, like 7 years?

Really, the world is unrecognizable to me some days. That guy from the Black Eyed Peas attributed the stellar success of their latest album to reaching out to their fans via the internet. Because it’s not 1998 when you can just make a video and call it good.

And then I suddenly felt ridiculously old because in 1998 I was pretty darn frustrated with the inability to actually see said videos due to all the Real World stuff. Oh how innocent I was.

The only thing that hasn’t seemed to change is the amount of busy I am. I mean 1998 was a big year for me. Junior year in college. Started dating Chris. Working. Reading 24 books a week and writing paper number 4 on “The Heart of Darkness”. Times were tough. I mean really, really tough.

Now I’m just buried in a sea of projects at work. Reading is a thing I might wistfully think of every now and again but instead decide watching The Biggest Loser would be the more culturally significant thing to do. And that’s largely because I can crawl into my warm bed, wait patiently for my little girl to start her nightly Rockettes training session and then fall in and out of consciousness until I finally give in and just go to bed.

So the point (there was one but it got lost in there I feel certain) was to say that I have so much to tell ya’ll and some great pictures but I have just been too busy followed by the too tired thing to actually work on it.

Okay, so pointless ramblings now complete, I’ll move on to the gratefulness.

There’s been a lot to think about this week. My sister in law lost her grandmother last Sunday. The sweet woman laid down to take a nap and woke up in paradise with Jesus. Sounds like an amazing afternoon to me! But sad for Carrie’s family.

Of course, that sets my heart and mind towards the day when I wake up in paradise. What will that be like? How amazing could it possibly be? Seeing our loved ones, praising our Savior along side the angels, seeing the scars on His hands, feeling His love with such closeness. The joy will be so indescribable. More so than my tiny mind can comprehend.

At the same time, we’ve had some winter like weather here. Wednesday morning it took me an hour to get to work. I didn’t mind because it was snowing. The ground wasn’t cold enough for it to stick but it was beautiful watching it fall.

I was warm in my car, Christmas music was on the radio and my little miracle baby was kicking like crazy. I did not want that commute to end. I couldn’t thank God enough in that hour. I was joyful. So joyful I thought my heart would bust.

My little girl is moving and growing in there. The little girl I’ve dreamed of for so long. The little girl our friends, family and people we’ve never even met prayed for.

Then as I was driving home last night, I found myself thinking about those two things. The joy of heaven and the joy of earth. I’m 150% positive the joy we will feel in Christ’s presence cannot even begin to compare to the joy we feel on earth. And yet, I am abundantly grateful for our earthly joy.

God gives us so many things to bring us joy. My sweet husband who almost brings me to tears when he asks “how are my two ladies today?’

A day spent shopping with Mom and playing with Noah.

The promise of an eternity with Jesus if we accept Him.

And His grace and love in providing joy to us in this life.

With all my heart, I believe true joy is from God and God alone. I pray one day my little girl will come to know Christ. I pray we will both spend eternity praising the Lord together along with my grandmother, our other children and my husband. I pray you find the joy of God’s blessings in your own life and can see how He’s working in you to build His kingdom.


  1. What a beautiful post, I LOVE it!

  2. Hey Robin! Will you email me. My computer completely died and I lost all my email addresses! Thanks. Stephanie
