Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Ding, Dong...

...Bo Duke is gone! Bo Duke is gone for good!!!

So the commotion started Saturday. I noticed there was some moving going on. In or out, I couldn't tell. There was an army of people there with cars and vans full of stuff. I thought perhaps the mystical finance was moving in.

Then on Sunday morning when we drove by, the house looked eerily empty. And there was a pile of junk out by the mail box.

When we came back by the house that night, there were more folks outside and the garage door was open.

And what did our wondering eyes see? An empty garage that gave us glee!

We found out in the middle of all the hoopla of last spring that Bo didn't actually own the house. The previous "owners" were still owners, they were just letting him live there and pay the mortgage.

How nice of them.

He had calmed down quite a lot which gave Chris and I minutes of entertainment as we pondered why. Honestly, I did not care why. Really. I was just glad to sleep sans the thumping.

And now I find I also honestly do not care why he's gone. Just pleased as punch that he is.

And praying fervently that whoever moves in next is not worse.


  1. Yeah! No motorcycle either! Wow!

  2. Woohoo!! I celebrated by eating a cookie. Just the one.
    PS I need more pregnant pictures. I have been reduced to imagining them and having Grace draw them. Totally not the same. We're still checking our weekends in November.

  3. I thought that might be the case when I saw that UHaul by the curb when we were there. Thank you, God for working that problem out. He knew my grandchild needed rested parents. Martha
