Friday, October 23, 2009

Gratitude Friday and what’s become the Once a Week Post…

Well, this week has been kind of rough for some dear friends. My heart aches for them and I continue to be humbled by the miracle life we have growing. Throughout our struggle to get pregnant, I very rarely asked “why us” but now I do ask that quite a lot. Why us and not them? Some friends are just starting on their journey and I ask oh Lord, why them? Some friends have come to a stopping point, for now, and I ask oh Lord, why not now for them? I trust His plan is far greater than ours could ever be and yet, I know the pain, fear and loss they feel waiting for that plan.

But, my sweet friends please know that we pray for you every day and when the day comes and the Lord does bless you with a child, it will all have been worth it. You hear the woosh-woosh-woosh of that precious heartbeat and honestly, you’ll think, oh that was nothing.

With all that going on, I was careful to go back to the simple things to find my gratitude list. Things I often neglect in my hectic life.

1. Honey Crisp Apples – um, yeah, they rock.

2. Front parking space – it’s cold and that front space rocked yesterday afternoon.

3. Christmas Music – sorry Chris but I love it and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy

4. Chilly weather – Fall is finally coming to Texas. Snuggle weather!

5. Long, faithful lives – Aren’t grandparents the best? And they teach us so much. Thank you Lord for giving them to us.

6. Sweet husbands – cliché I know but I just love the way he loves me.

May your week be filled with yummy treats during the day, snuggle time with your honey at night and lots of reasons to thank God for all the blessings in your life!


  1. Honey Crisp Apples are the best!!!

  2. I completely agree with #2-6 and I'm going to have to hunt down some honey crisp apples because that sounds delightful!
