Monday, August 10, 2009

Moving on up…

Second beta was today. 470! That’s solid. I was definitely nervous waiting for this one. What if it doesn’t double? What if it’s too high? How low it too low for them to be concerned? You name, I thought it.

But praise the Lord, it more than doubled and we are continuing down the pregnancy journey!

Anyway, would love to tell ya’ll more but I am swamped. And after I finish being swamped, sometime in November, I have every intention of putting my feet up and completely enjoying being pregnant. Until then, Baby E and I are just gonna have to try and keep up!


  1. Hooray!! Very solid and totally awesome!!

  2. What does the E stand for? I'm so excited!!
    Love, Mom

  3. Thank you, Lord. Grow, baby(ies), grow. Love all of y'all.

  4. Praise God for a great beta number! Yay!!

  5. Good news, but what's this about being too swamped to enjoy being pregnant? I don't care what is keeping you so busy (and believe me I can only guess), but you start enjoying that process right now, sister!

  6. Oh my gosh, it's been a little while since I checked your blog, so I had no idea! I'm so excited for you! I know it's such a relief to have that second number MORE THAN double! Very very awesome.
