Friday, August 21, 2009

Gratitude Friday…

Goodness, this was hard. The problem is I’m grateful for everything. Except maybe for the shots which are really making me sore. But I’m grateful I still have a reason to keep taking them!

But then I remembered Chris is off tonight and tomorrow night. That’s a reason to celebrate. Bless him, he’s been working 13 hour days with a significant portion of that in the sun and heat. He sits through teacher meetings, deals with parents who think their kid the most special in the entire world (far more than these other yahoos) and manages teenagers who don’t just think they are a big deal but know it and have no problem telling you and everyone else within earshot all about it.

Then he comes home to a wife who’s fallen asleep only to have to wake her up to give her a shot that makes her whole backside hurt for days. Poor guy, I know he’s tired of hurting her. After that, the wife crawls back in bed and may be conscious enough to talk to him for about three minutes before she falls asleep while he’s in mid-sentence.

He then goes to the kitchen to eat a bowl of cereal since his exhausted wife has not managed to get to the grocery store to buy anything of substance in two weeks.

And he never once complains.

Which makes me want to tell everyone within earshot and anyone who reads this that my husband is, in fact, a big deal. Far bigger than he realizes.

Thank you Lord for time with Chris this weekend. I’m grateful just to have the opportunity to find out what’s been going on in his life lately. Time is such a wonderful gift.


  1. In honor of this post, Noah has said "chis." He still gets excited when he sees Uncle Chris' picture. He'll be a great dad.

  2. On this Friday, I'm grateful for a wife (who happens to be my daughter-in-law) that's grateful for her husband (who happens to be my first born). Love you both and am so grateful that God brought you together to walk this incredible journey. You will make wonderful parents. Love, Martha

  3. So sweet ;) I'm glad your cup "runneth" over :)

  4. Thanks Chris for taking care of our Ladybug!! We love you too! MIL

  5. I cried when I read this. Well said, Robin.
