Tuesday, August 25, 2009

7 Weeks…

How’s that for a creative title? I gotta tell ya. I’m not feeling funny or creative at the moment. Actually, it’s hard to really say what I’m feeling.

Well, that’s not completely true because what I’m feeling 99.9% of the time is lightheaded and hungry. I try to stay ahead of the lightheaded-ness by eating every 2 hours but food doesn’t seem to be helping me much now. I actually had to lie down on my boss’ couch while she was out at a meeting today.

Morning sickness I was prepared for (and by prepared I mean I was expecting it) but feeling like I might pass out at any moment is a little unnerving. I hope Baby E isn’t feeling like that too.

But apart from the physical stuff, emotionally, I find I am feeling rather, well, quiet.

I know, right? But trust me, in real life, I’m relatively quiet. Unless I’m with my family and closest friends. God bless ‘em, those poor souls get to hear me live and in person.

We had our first sonogram yesterday. There was one fabulous, beautiful, fluttering heartbeat on the screen. I didn’t cry but I was near laughing. It was one of those moments where you say seriously? That’s for real for real? And you just laugh because it seems too wild that it’s happening to you.

The baby was hiding so we didn’t get a really good picture. E must be more like me because Chris is all “yeah, I’m funny, good-looking and talented. Take your time and stare as long as necessary to take me all in.” We’ll have another shot at getting a good picture next week. And let me just say, the days cannot go fast enough until I see that amazing heartbeat again.

We also graduated from the shots. Now I’m on the prometrium, which all my infertile friends totally understand. The shots were not fun but neither is this – just in a different way. But it takes the Friday night conundrum off the table. I was seriously not looking forward to a shot on a yellow school bus during a high school football game. Gross, just gross.

So there you have it. Stay tuned for my next post entitled “8 Weeks” because I don’t see myself getting much more creative any time soon. But there is hope: Football season starts soon and we have visitors coming the whole month of October. E should be singing “War Eagle” by November. We’re working on it every day.


  1. Ah, that amazing heartbeat! We're SO excited!

    Aunt Dale

  2. Hooray for a heartbeat!!! Love you girl!! xoxo

  3. That heartbeat is the best news I've heard all week. I love you guys!! Thanks for calling me when I needed you!

  4. You're going to be seeing a lot of "YAY!!!!" comments from me, but I just don't know what else to say! :-)

  5. I look forward to seeing sonogram pictures! And reading "8 weeks".

  6. How beautiful to see the heartbeat. There was a teeny bopper song when I was a youngster (way, way before your time) that was called Heartbeat and I'm singing it in my head for Baby E.
