Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I Can’t Quit You, Edward Cullen…

After much encouragement from both my sister-in-law and Fanny, I started reading the Twilight series during Christmas last year.

And I freakin’ loved it.

Well, after our failed IVF attempt in February, I decided to re-read them. It started with Bella’s catatonic state in New Moon and eventually ended with me re-reading the entire series.

3 times.

I know. There should be therapy.

Then Fanny basically called me out saying I was not a real fan of anything vampire unless I was reading the Sookie Stackhouse books. So I accepted her challenge and read all nine of them in 2 weeks.

Take that.

Which left me with a new dilemma. What to read next?

After minutes of searching at Target, I settled on another teenage vampire series, The House of Night. Although they spell it “vampyre”. Makes is soooo much better doesn’t it?

Anyway, I finished all five of those books. In 10 days.

So back I went to Target where I purchased the first in a three book series called House of Bones. Also about teenage supernaturals. Although less about vampires and more about creatures called Shadowhunters who kill demons. I’m all about killing some demons.

Kinda feel like that’s what we do when we go through something life changing. We try to kill the demons Satan sends to distract us. Doubt. Worry. Fear. Pride. Impatience. Our obsessive need to be in control of every detail.

Or maybe that last one’s just me.

Reading all this keeps my mind busy thinking about other things besides all the “demons”. The rest of the time I spend talking to the Lord and praying for the other ladies going through infertility treatments and those who are already pregnant. I pray for their children and their families. I pray for happy, joyous, healthy pregnancies either for them or their eventual birthmother. I pray for sweet children who will come to know their Heavenly Father early in life.

Oddly, what I don’t spend a whole lot of time praying for is success with this round of IVF. Either it is the Lord’s will or it is not. We’ll be fine no matter what happens. He knows the desires of my heart. I know our family and friends are praying for us. And that’s enough for me.

But I have no idea what happens when I finish this latest series. I don’t want to read anything remotely related to real life. As in seriously, I need vampires or goblins or fairies or some combination of them all. Nothing, nadda, zippo about weddings, babies, swapping lives or shoe shopping addictions. And don’t get me wrong. I love me some chic lit. Jen Lancaster is one of my favorites and she has a new book out, but I just can’t read about real life stuff right now. Even real life chic lit stuff (which is especially light on the “real” side).

If you’ve got any suggestions, send them my way. I figure I’ll be done with these three books by the middle of next week. So you’ve got time.


  1. Oh, that's mom FINALLY talked me into reading the Twilight series and I read the first book in two days, and am now on the second. It's good stuff. I'd also have to agree with you on praying for others, but not so much for myself during this cycle. It's wierd, right? But you are so on the mark when you say that God knows our hearts, and our desires, and His will WILL be done! Love it. Praying for you!

  2. Of course you know I'm hooked on the Twilight series, I've read it through 4 times. I've taken the summer off from Bella and Edward. I've been reading three series about the Baxter family. This is real stuff, so not much help. But as Mike told me, there's always Harry Potter! Love you, Mom :)

  3. If you find that therapy group for Twilight, you'll let me know? I just finished Twilight for the who knows (maybe eighth) how many times and started New Moon. Nothing else quite competes. What was that chick lit author you showed me in Target?
