Friday, July 10, 2009

Gratitude Friday…

This morning’s company quote:

“Ask and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” - Matthew 7:7

As I was driving to work I was praying.

Lord, You tell us to ask and it shall be given so I am humbly asking you for a child. Maybe that’s through IVF 2.5 and maybe it’s not. You know the desires of our hearts. We want more than anything to grow our family, raise them to love and worship You and send them into the world to glorify You.

Father, You say to seek so we come to you seeking your perfect will for our lives. The children you have planned for us with be worth every sacrifice, every tear and every moment of waiting.

And Lord, you direct us to knock and it will be open. Today, we stand knocking. Not just knocking on a door but reaching out to You. I’m reminded of the woman who touched the hem of your garment and was healed because of her faith. We want to touch You. To feel you. And we are secure in our faith that You will provide.

Our suppression check is done. My hormones levels are low and there are no cysts. Praise the Lord!

However, AF hasn’t shown up yet. And if you don’t know what “AF” is, then you don’t need to (that’s for the Dad’s and brothers out there). Hopefully, she’ll arrive this weekend and we’ll be able to start the stim meds.

But right not, this moment, I am grateful to have received that verse this morning. Grateful I can come to my Lord in prayer and talk with Him. Grateful Lulu and Rita are cyst free and my hormone levels are low. And grateful we are able to move forward with only a minor bump in the road.

Love you all!!!


  1. That is a wonderful verse to meditate on as we gear up for all this month is going to bring. Glad to hear your supression check went well and Lulu and Rita are cooperating. My appt is Tuesday...I'm hoping for the same news! xo

  2. Yay, congradulations! I start my stims tomorrow! And what a beautiful prayer, it really touched my heart. Those very words are in my own heart!
