Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Feed me, feed me, feed me!

I. Am. Hungry. Seriously, I went to bed hungry. I woke up hungry. I ate a breakfast large enough for 4 and my tummy was still growling.

Or maybe the growling is actually all in my head.

Either way, I’m starving and possibly going crazy.

Dr. Stephanie tells me to eat lots of protein. Eggies need protein to grow she says. So I do. This morning I had some fabulous sausage from Applegate Farms.

I heart Applegate Farms.

I also had a large serving of pineapple supposedly good for implantation and my usual colossal amount of strawberries and blueberries. That was AFTER I’d stopped by the house on the way to work to grab a granola bar in my attempt to prevent my stomach from creating an ulcer within its vast emptiness.

That all lasted me until…9:00 am.

I am not kidding.

I then ate a bowl of cereal. It’s a high protein cereal, though, Dr. Stephanie.

Lunch was BBQ chicken, spaghetti salad and corn bread.

And I am still hungry.

Heaven help Chris because there is no way if this constant eating continues I will be able to fit into anything I own forcing me to buy yet even more clothes in another size.

But other than slowly dying from starvation, I’m waiting for AF to arrive and have my suppression check scheduled for Friday morning. If all goes well and we are cyst-free, we’ll start stims Saturday. When I will get even more bloated.


  1. I have a suppression check on Friday too! Well, my calendar sais an E2 bloodtest, but isn't that the same? Who knows. Either way, good luck, and happy eating!!

  2. I'm not starving b/c I am eating EVERYTHING in sight! And to make matters worse, I'm at my grandma's house in NC where everything is so yummy but soooo bad! Heaven help me!

    I start stims next week - this is going to be an exciting month! Good luck, babe!

  3. You should get some Lambes bread.
