Thursday, July 16, 2009

Have I been here before?

Today was our Day 5 stim check up. You know, the date with the wand.

We started off with our clinic’s newest IVF nurse. She was hired recently and doesn’t really know me. Okay, so today was the first time we’ve actually met which is pretty much the definition of being strangers. Our usual nurse, Michele, had the nerve to help a different patient. Anyway, poor Julia spent way too much time explaining to me how this works.

Really. Been here. More times than I’d like to admit.

So I didn’t start off with the best of attitudes. I know that sounds awful but honestly, she makes person 56 who’s seen me half-naked and taken a peak INSIDE me at Lulu and Rita. And today, one more person seemed like one more too many.

I told her, I like numbers so give them to me straight. And here they are:

Rita – 5 – 6 follies
Lulu – 2 – 3 follies
E2 – 601
Lining – 7.5

As a comparison, here’s our numbers from IVF 1.5 in February:

Rita – 5 – 6 follies
Lulu – 2 – 3 follies
E2 – 855
Lining – 7.5

Is it just me or is that eerily similar?

Our next check is Saturday and I’m hopeful some more will magically appear.

And I’m also resisting the urge to go wacko obsessive about why my E2 level is lower this time. I may not be able to resist for long but I’m trying.

But I’m also repeating over and over that I am not in charge and God can perform a miracle with those numbers. Less even.

Please say a little prayer for me and all our little eggies!

In the meantime, I should probably bake Julia a nice organic banana bread or something to apologize for being less than thrilled this morning. Poor girl. It’s not her fault Lulu and Rita are broken.


  1. Will keep praying! Grow eggies grow. Remember it only takes 1 to make a baby.

  2. I'm saying a little prayer for you right now...ok. I prayed that some more eggs are visable next time, but also that the ones that you do have are even better quality than last time due to your recent lifestyle change. It's quality, not quantity, right? And you've been feeding LuLu & Rita nothing but the best, most organic products this time. That HAS to make a difference in the quality of follies that they are working so hard to make!! (((HUGS)))

  3. I agree with Tabitha and Martha! You know we're praying. God inhabits praise! Love You, Mom

  4. Hey hun-
    You are totally right - God CAN perform miracles with those numbers (and less!...I've never had more than 5!)
    I said a prayer for you, Lulu, and Rita and can't wait to hear about your next scan!! xo
