Friday, July 17, 2009

Gratitude Friday…

Well, I’d love to say I woke up this morning feeling hopeful and joyful. But that’s not true. I’m flat out scared to death. Which means it’s time to really count my blessings. Remember that in every situation God provides and He is faithful. For that, along with a gazillion other things, He deserves my praise.

1. The Chance – It’s so easy to forget that not every couple has the opportunity to undergo IVF. Besides the expense of it all, there are plenty of folks who don’t live close to infertility clinics, they can’t take off work to do them or they medically cannot undergo the treatment. It has been a financial sacrifice for us and my boss and co-workers are very understanding. I should never take this chance lightly.

2. Eggs – Let’s face it. There are plenty of women, even some younger than I, who could never do IVF with their own eggs. I am amazed at the women who go through menopause early or who have had cancer sometime in their young life. They know they will never have a child biologically theirs. I may only get 6 eggs again but that’s more than some women ever have.

3. God’s Word – I’m just diving in as much as I can. Reading and praying over the amazing promises of God. Praising Him and thanking Him for His faithfulness. Do we even realize how powerful the bible is? Do we ever just hold it in our hands and think, these are God’s word to ME? Spirit led, poured out and written down for me to read, feel and meditate on.

4. Your Prayers – I am humbled by the overwhelming amount of support through prayer Chris and I have been receiving. Nothing like crying in the middle of Wal-mart looking down at another email from someone you’ve never met yet they are offering words of love and prayers of intercession for us and our family.

5. My Prayers – A Sunday School teacher once asked how we see Jesus. As the baby in the manger, as the teacher leading the disciples, as our risen Savior appearing to His followers or as God’s right hand on His throne. Honestly, I see Him at God’s right hand but more like He’s in a rocking chair. Sort of a throne minus the pomp and circumstance. So when I pray, I see myself sitting at the foot of that rocking chair talking to Him. And there’s no one else there. No one who has to pray on my behalf. I can come right to Him. What an amazing thing! Right there to Him. Me in all my sin and all my failings. He wants to sit there with me and talk. Hear my heart. Comfort my fears. The Creator and Giver of Life. Awe-struck.

Have a wonderful weekend! I'll post results from our doctor's appointment sometime tomorrow afternoon. Love you all!!!!


  1. Thanks Sweetie! I'll be waiting. Love, Mom

  2. I woke up feeling the same way and needed those reminders today! Thank you!! Looking forward to tomorrow's results! xo

  3. Oh Robin this made me cry! I feel the same way about God's's how he speaks to us and I LOVE that!! You are so very special!
