It was another weekend of family visitors for us. Chris’ parents and sister came into town for the holiday weekend. Of course, Chris had to work…again…leaving us alone to entertain ourselves.
Which left Meredith in charge.
So we spent more time than I would have ever guessed in the Modern Art Museum. Officially, “more time” is defined as longer than five minutes. Max.
She’s all high-folluten artsy these days what with being less than a year away from some sort of art degree. This will be her second bachelor degree which again, leaves me feeling very left behind in the whole educational game in our family. I remember when just having the one college degree was an accomplishment. You know. The good ole days.
Anyway, the art wasn’t too terribly awful. And what I didn’t understand, Meredith didn’t really either. Okay, well, she explained it away by saying there was no point which is just boloney. There’s a point. Even if the point is to be pointless.
After that, we ate at the Museum café. Or really, everyone else ate there and I ate my organic brown bag lunch. I was just grateful they didn’t throw me out of the restaurant. But their lunches did look yummy and based on their silent chewing, I’d say they were satisfied.
Saturday, we all climbed out of bed at dawn, put on the least amount of clothing we could legally wear in public, applied the most amount of sunscreen we could and headed out for the Arlington 4th of July parade. We found some great spots underneath some big, shady trees.
And then we were promptly located by the ants. Tiny, itty-bitty sting like hell-fire ants.
Which left Meredith in charge.
So we spent more time than I would have ever guessed in the Modern Art Museum. Officially, “more time” is defined as longer than five minutes. Max.
She’s all high-folluten artsy these days what with being less than a year away from some sort of art degree. This will be her second bachelor degree which again, leaves me feeling very left behind in the whole educational game in our family. I remember when just having the one college degree was an accomplishment. You know. The good ole days.
Anyway, the art wasn’t too terribly awful. And what I didn’t understand, Meredith didn’t really either. Okay, well, she explained it away by saying there was no point which is just boloney. There’s a point. Even if the point is to be pointless.
After that, we ate at the Museum café. Or really, everyone else ate there and I ate my organic brown bag lunch. I was just grateful they didn’t throw me out of the restaurant. But their lunches did look yummy and based on their silent chewing, I’d say they were satisfied.
Saturday, we all climbed out of bed at dawn, put on the least amount of clothing we could legally wear in public, applied the most amount of sunscreen we could and headed out for the Arlington 4th of July parade. We found some great spots underneath some big, shady trees.
And then we were promptly located by the ants. Tiny, itty-bitty sting like hell-fire ants.
The good news was, we were seated about 8:30 am and only had 3 hours more to go. Chris and the band were the dead last act on the docket. Seriously. The only thing behind them were the cops waving to tell everyone to go home already.

After dinner, we headed out to the Mansfield 4th of July Fireworks thingy. I’m sure there’s an official name but seeing as we parked a mile and ½ away from the “official” event, I think thingy is appropriate.
Somehow, the ants followed us. How DO they do that?
So despite the ants and pointless art work, it was a fabulous weekend with family. Glad ya’ll came and we love you!!!

I'm glad you had a great weekend!! Sorry about the ants! lol!