Friday, October 31, 2008

Gratitude Friday…

While Mrs. JT was here, we looked through all my scrapbooks, talked about college life, went through every person we knew anything about from high school, talked through old boyfriends. You know. Girl talk.

Part of this girl talk of course included our husbands. There were some ramblings about the ritual of empting the pockets. Why never in the same place? And how do they carry that amount of junk in their pants? There were some comparisons. Mr. JT does this while Chris does that. You know, like the volume and type of snoring. Ground breaking stuff here.

However in all this husband talk, we did go back and remember the early days. Mrs. JT has been with us for every step of our dating, engagement and married life. Yeah, we’ve known her a while. Anyway, as I was reading back through scrapbooks and talking about our dating days, I really started thinking about my husband.

He’s certainly not the man he was when we were dating 10 years ago or the man I married almost 8 years ago. I’m not the same woman either (although I still think of myself as a girl – when does that change?). We’ve both learned a lot about how to be a partner but Chris is the one who’s given the most.

Let’s face it, I’m a handful. I’ve stated that before but really, unless you live with me, you can’t fully appreciate the craziness that makes me “me”. I get scared and worried and apprehensive. All at once and all the time. With every life change whether that’s a move, a new job, a new church, a new house, a new car – regardless, I get all weirded out and start questioning everything. On top of wanting to be in complete control and plan every aspect down to the minutest of details.

And in almost 8 years, that’s 4 states, 3 apartments, 3 houses, 7 new jobs and 3 cars. Seriously, there’s a lot of opportunity there for me drive Chris insane.

Thankfully, my wonderful husband doesn’t let me get in the way of following the Lord’s path for our life. I would have so messed us up royally by now.

Now he’s taken charge of our infertility issues. He’s hopeful, excited, organized and most of all, praying for me and us and our family every day. While I get nauseous looking or even thinking about it all, he’s calmly filling up syringes and noting what time I take my medications. I have to spend serious time getting ready for the shots (I want to be comfortable, you know) while he’s making sure there’s a heater in the bathroom for my 4:30 am wake-up call.

Thank you, Lord, for the amazing gift of my husband. Thank you for giving him the strength to follow You and lead me all at the same time. I love you baby.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you have a wonderful husband!

    Good luck on your IVF cycle. I'll be thinking of you.
