Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Bring. It. On.…

This morning I had an unexpected moment of clarity.

Here’s the thing: my family, which includes me, is not really much for whining. For one, it wasn’t allowed in our house growing up. For another, we’ve been through a lot together and honestly, there just wasn’t a lot of room for wallowing in self pity. Whatever the challenge, we just faced it, prayed and moved on through life. That’s not to say we enjoyed the valleys or that we were perfect through them. Absolutely not. But we do realize there’s a purpose for every trial and acceptance is better than arguing with God about it.

Arguing’s never a good plan.

Lots of people ask questions. Why me? Why now? Where’s Your plan? Heck, people make ridiculous amounts of money off asking those questions in the form of a book. “Why Bad Things Happen to Good People”. And here’s the answer.

I’ll give it to you for free.

Bad things happen to good people because there is sin in the world.


And really, the term “good” is all wrong. Not one of us is inherently good. We are all sinners. Saved by grace. Or least we have the option of being saved by grace.

Back to the epiphany this morning.

I haven’t been exactly facing this challenge with the same approach. I’ve been wallowing and whining and in general feeling rather sorry for myself. I tried to justify that by saying how enormous all this feels. And it does. And it is. But that doesn’t give me the right to back down from the challenge.

I can’t ask God to “bring the rain” or promise to “praise you in this storm” only to then hide my head under the covers.

I thought about this through my run and getting dressed. Once I climbed in the car, I checked my email before getting on the road. The quote of the day solidified my thoughts:

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”
- Deuteronomy 31:6

So today is a new day. I have a fresh attitude and a renewed energy. I can do this. We can do this. The Lord will get us through.

To all the medications, the emotions, the rash and the needles, I say “bring it on.”

Chris would say, since all that stuff is already here and spread out over 2 bathrooms, the refrigerator and my tummy, “it’s already been broughten”.

But hey, I’m always fashionably late to a party.

1 comment:

  1. Laughing out loud and loving it - Bring it on! God can defeat it! I started Breaking Free last night and its awesome - I can't wait to get deeper into it. Satan has no authority over me if I don't let him and I have to stop fretting about everything b/c that is Satan getting in my head. Right?
