Friday, February 6, 2015

Gratitude Friday...

Well, bless his heart, Rhys slept until 7:32 am.  

I almost passed out.  

Such joy!

Until it was time to get dressed.  

Do you know how long over-tired toddler can last?

No, seriously.  Do you know?

Because it's starting to feel like FOR FOREVER.

This is his method of pouting.  I asked him to clean his room.  After I'd put 2/3 of it away myself.  He flat refused.  Pitched a righteous fit.  But he couldn't come out of his room until he'd cleaned up.

Or we get a text from Chris saying we could come hang out with him at school.

You know.  Whatever.

But he gave that fit a good go for a solid 45 minutes.  

And yes, thank you for noticing.  Rhys is wearing his sister's blue twirly sundress.

He loves that dress much as she does.  I don't let him leave the house in it, of course.  He's all boy but he's also madly in love with his sister. 

And that's that.

His new favorite phrase is "I don't wanna do that!'  And he seems pretty serious about it.

"That" being pretty much anything.  The park.  Picking up Sissy.  The grocery store.  Taking Sissy.  The Kids' Park.  Playing with Sissy.  Eating.  Bathing.  Dressing.  


Today, we went to the Kids' Park a little late.  A sweet friend watched Rhys after I dropped AK off at school so I could hit the $1 clearance sale at the consignment shop.  I got there at 9:15 am, fifteen minutes after it opened, at there were ZERO 4T pants.  How is that possible?  

Anyway, we got to the gym later than normal.  Not sure why but I hit an exercising wall of sorts.  

I am officially tired of being on a diet.

For the love, I've been on a diet since I was 10 and I need off this crazy chain.  

And as I was processing the day, with the fits and the blue twirly dresses and my sheer exhaustion with trying so hard, it occurred to me...

...Rhys isn't the only over-tired person in the house.  

Which is a surprise to only one person.  And that's me.

So I ate the left-over pancake and strawberries Rhys refused to eat and sat down to watch Netflix.  And I'm gonna be okay with that.  I've been a single parent all week and have another full week to go so I'm letting myself off the hook.

Time to stop trying.  And LET IT GO.  

Sometimes I try so hard and I forget to just be.  God has given me such grace this week.  Filled me up with His patience and love.  I can look at that pitiful face all red from crying and smile.  I mean, I'm stubborn too (the apples don't fall far from the tree) but I'm not one for crazy drama.  No way I giggle (quietly and to myself) with the amount of over-tired tantrums that have been happening in our world this week.

No way.

The Comforter, y'all.  I asked and He showed and it's a big deal.  

Thank you, Spirit.  I am grateful.

1 comment:

  1. You enjoy this break, you deserve it. No pushing just slowing down.
    Love you.
