Well, "The Little Mermaid" has come and gone. Five glorious shows. And apart from the two new tee-shirts, we have three chocolate bars and a half dozen roses to show for it.
The students came those to Chris as gifts.
I always open the Hersey's bar swearing I'm just gonna eat one rectangle, then everything gets sort of fussy and poof! the whole darn thing is gone.
Truthfully, I'm not even sure I taste it. It goes by just that fast.
To go along with the Disney Princess show, the Theatre Department hosted a pre-show tea with the Princesses.
Imagine an entire high school cafeteria COVERED in little girls dressed in their favorite Princess costume.
Super. Fun.
Chris took Aubrey Kate for a little daddy/daughter time. She was beyond excited. Although she totally played it cool when he asked...
"Hey, Aubrey Kate, do you want to go with me to meet the Disney Princesses at school?"
"Ummm, sure. I would love that. I mean, yeah."
And then she RAN to get her dress. And crown. And wand. Because what good is wand-less Princess????
Once there, she was wildly overwhelmed. She got to color a picture of Ariel and eat a cupcake. No pictures or anything. Now, she says she had a good time. Just wasn't all star struck and clamoring for photos.
But GOOD NEWS, she did get to select a gift.
Wait for it....
$5 off at the local tee-shirt store.
Of course the fund raiser paired with the matinee show, the theatre was COVERED in little princesses. And let's just say, it was never once quiet during the show. All the parents, including myself, were trying to keep them still and quiet but really, it was pointless. There were just too many of them. And too few of us. Princesses easily outnumbered us 3 to 1. Those are insurmountable odds.
Also, kinda like a nightmare for me.
But I was with my little girl. So mostly, I was able to block out all the other ones around.
After the show, the cast comes out into the lobby to take pictures and meet their fans. Super sweet of them. I know they have to be tired. Seeing their makeup and costumes up close is totally different than from the audience.
I was hoping Aubrey Kate would take a sweet picture with Ariel. She'd taken off her dress because it was all kinds of hot in that theatre. Anyway, Chris went with us but Aubrey Kate refused to take her picture with Ariel. You can see how THRILLED she was. When I asked her why she didn't want to meet Ariel, she said, "I ALREADY SAW HER IN THE SHOW!"
After the show, I'd promised her we'd go out for "ice cream." Sweet girl, she wanted to go by and pick up Rhys so "he can have some cherries too!" Rhys doesn't like the cold stuff. Just the cherries. Aubrey Kate likes it all. Really, she likes all food. And Rhys likes none.
But that's beside the point.
So we grabbed up Rhys and headed for some "ice cream."
They were slightly hyped up on fat free yogurt and cherries in this photo. Woo-hoo, STANDING ON THE FURNITURE! It's like heaven.
This girl is growing up too fast. Sassy, smart and stubborn. Her teachers say she's an old soul. And to watch her sit with her hands folded across her crossed legs, I'd have to agree. Somehow she's gonna be five in a few months but she was just born two weeks ago. And yet, it feels like she's always been. Her bigger than life being takes up oh so much of my heart. Both sides of her being. The cautious, not-easily-impressed side and her sing "Let's Make a Rainbow" for us all day long side.
And, yes, even her "I'm not interested in pictures with Princesses" side.
This was the end of the day picture. In her PJ's that are clearly too small.
Won't have too many years of her sitting in my lap wide-eyed watching a musical. I'm so grateful I got to soak her up all day.
Such a sweet day! I can't believe she will be 5 this year. Nana loves you AK!