Friday, February 13, 2015

Gratitude Friday...

Well, after a full week of posts, I've resorted to my "when I can squeeze it in" approach.  

I know how thrilled you are by that.

It's been a good week.  I've been busy working on baby gifts.  BABY GIFTS!  Y'all know that means I am crafting like crazy.  Chris has been at his annual Texas Band Geek Conference.  Without him, things like eating and sleeping become super easy.  

Don't get me wrong.  We've got a good thing here.  And we both work.  But let's face it, adults eat more than kids and well, we kinda like full meals.  The kids are happy to eat some ham, cheese, carrots and an apple.  Takes all of 3 minutes to put that together.  Although, I am getting ready to eat real food myself.  I might actually cook tomorrow.  Something only I would enjoy.  Like Chicken Fried Rice.

And the sleeping.


Chris snores.

There.  I said it.

I have not once...or fourscore and seven times...had to punch someone to make them roll over.

Anyway, with just our Awesome Threesome around, I've busy crafting. 

But not writing.

I would love to report that Rhys has finally gone back to sleep 12 - 13 hours in a day but NOT.  He's taken ONE nap this week and that was when I decided to drive us around for a couple of hours.  

Sweet Littles.

For the most part, I've tried to keep us out of the house.  The weather has been gorgeous so there's zero reason to be indoors.  We've hit every one of our favorite parks.  

Rhys ran around and about every ten minutes he would just stop and start crying.  Leaving the park, that was when the tantrums are the worst.  I sing to him, kiss him and pray over him.  Sometimes it calms him down but mostly, it doesn't.  He's too tired.  A couple of times, Aubrey Kate started crying with him.  Bless her heart.  She says she gets scared and sad.

Me too, baby girl.  Me too.

He's continued to get up early.  6:12 am today.  He opens the door to our room but it's more like SLAM!  And he wakes me from a dead sleep.  Sometimes, he'll see I'm still in bed and go back to his but that doesn't last long.  

I feel for him.  And her.  And me.  

But I have to accept this might simply be the new normal.

So apart from that, the kids had a pretty good week.  

Aubrey Kate helped him "organize" his toy chest.

We hit Chick-fil-a for Tot Time and some Valentine's decorating.  Yes, thank you for noticing Rhys' crazy hair.  Dad will have to take him for a haircut next weekend.

Our only real struggle this week was over the writing of a name.  Aubrey Kate's teacher told them they had to write their own names on their Valentine's.  Mom could write "My Friend," since the kids don't specifically address them but they had to write their own name.  On Wednesday, she went to quiet time with her Valentine's, her selected crayon and her name card so she could cheat as needed.  90 minutes later, she came out with "her initials" written on them.  AAA or PUP or AUP.  None of which are really her initials.  

I was less than thrilled.

After some discussion, she confessed that her name was too long (citing Lily and Eva, her classmates, as examples of preferred shorter names) and she can't see her name when she writes it.

Both things are true.

She had two choices:  Write her full name, as instructed by her teacher or miss going to the party.

The next day, I drew two lines on each Valentine to help her with spacing.  She dutifully and even (mostly) cheerfully wrote her whole name.  

So she went to her party.

Yesterday, we baked cookies for our neighbors and AK got to stay up late to help decorate the gift bags.  She was beyond excited.  The kids don't give treats with their Valentine's.  Just the card.  No candy attached.  No stickers.  Nothing.  I LOVE that.  Keeps everything on a level playing field.  No Pinterest Mommy War.  Instead, we decided to give our treats to our neighbors.  She loves taking them surprises.

Sweet girl.

Today was blissful for them.  Aubrey Kate declared her Valentine's Party "AWESOME" and Rhys built a "tall tower" during quiet time.  Please note the blue blocks stacked on the floor.  Those would be said "tall tower."  Y'all.  I cannot overestimate the level of excited he was over that tall tower.  


So, what I am grateful for most this week is good weather, long drives, easy meals, good rest, full names and tall towers.

Really, aren't those the basic elements of life?

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