Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Zoo, Take Two...


Please read that as me YELLING!!!  Not necessarily at you.  Just in your general area.

The first thing we managed to do today was be almost an hour and half late picking her up from the airport.  

Y'all.  You wouldn't think it's possible for every part of an entire route to be under construction but Oh, Dallas is up to the challenge.  

And they are winning at it.

The kids were rock stars during all that travel.  But I did have to answer approximately 2, 842 questions from Rhys about when he could say Hi to the gorillas.

He started asking those questions earlier in the week.  So it was decided, apparently, we needed to visit the Zoo.

That makes twice in one year!  That might be a record.  Or at least tying one.

The weather was perfect.  The small crowd was perfect.  The two little blond miracles were almost perfect.  

There's nothing like watching life through little eyes to simply fall back in love with that life.  Can't wait for the rest of the weekend!  I might be overly gushy about their fabulousness.  

Consider yourself warned.

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