....We don't speak of the Bonus Room.
(Approximately three people get that reference.)
Really, it's like the black hole. Easily forgotten. Easily ignored. Easily dodged.
It's a big secret.
Sure, people are up there every Sunday for small group. Nice people. Jesus-loving people. People I like.
Do they deserve a dusted room? Sure. A room with clutter put away? Yep. A space that's vacuumed more than twice a year? Absolutely.
Do they get it? Rarely.
So today, I spent all of nap time. Two full hours. Cleaning, dusting, organizing, vacuuming and redecorating. It needed to be done.
Motivation hit me in the form on my mom's arrival tomorrow. So yes, she was the catalysts. But let's just all be real here and say, the sad bonus room was LONG OVERDUE for a cleaning.
In my reorganizing, I discovered I am dangerously close to maxing out my scrapbook storage.
Don't be fooled by what might look like a big black hole. That's, in fact, four black scrapbooks taking up every single inch of space.
And since we're being real here, I need to confess that I have ZERO clue what's in that plastic box on the bottom. It was a project I simply could not bare to tackle today. But once I get JUST ONE MORE scrapbook done, I'll have to figure it out.
Because, it's gonna need a new home.
Which will give me space for about three more scrapbooks.
But I do it because THIS:
She loves them. And yes, she "helped" me clean some. Her job is to dust the baseboards. Which she does for about A minute.
So after two hours...did I mention it was an entire nap time...the room is ready for one of my favorite visitors!
Had I taken pictures during the daylight hours, it would look so much better. Promise.
My brain is brimming with ideas on how to help this sad not-so-little room look better. But those aren't happening anytime soon.
And considering how many times a year I actually come here to clean, it's likely none of the plans will happen until sometime in 2016.
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