First, I need to address the awesomeness of your comments last week! Thank you, ladies! You filled me up. I'll be praying for y'all. Band Widows and Infertiles have to stick together.
It's Game Day over here. War Eagle! I'm sitting here watching the Mississippi State/A&M game. And really, there are no words. Except, maybe, yikes! Cause we have to go there next week.
How cute is this little guy? He's got his game face on. My friend dropped off more clothes this week and in the pile was this precious football shirt and orange and navy socks with footballs on them. Rhys is in heaven. He loves football. Almost as much as he loves dogs. Almost.
Of course, AK is not going anywhere near orange and blue. Today. She'd totally wear it on a random Wednesday but not on game day. And believe me, I don't encourage her one way or the other. This Fashionista is ubber picky about her clothes. We had a major meltdown this week over leggings. She cried like she had been physically harmed. Oh no. The leggings were just SUDDENLY too tight.
Can y'all pray for me to have more patience and understanding in those situations? Because I just don't. I try. Really.'s leggings.
The last couple of weeks, I have been crafting like a crazy person. I think I've actually injured myself in the process. I've been crouching and sitting in weird positions and standing with glue gun in hand for hours. And today, my back has decided to lodge a formal complaint.
Which is fine because I gave away several of the projects today so I'm on a little break.
One of the ladies from my women's bible study has started hosting monthly birthday lunches for her friends. All her friends. Like, if you're a Facebook friend, you get an invite. I love the entire concept. She's brave. We talked at the lunch today about how if it were one of us, we'd be completely stressed over the number of people coming. And more importantly, not coming. But she was fine with whatever and whoever.
I wasn't showing up to the a birthday lunch without gifts for everyone. Well, as long as there were only three of us. Much larger and I might have had to rethink my gift strategy.
My goal was to repurpose and reuse stuff I already had around the house. A few weeks ago, I helped a lady in our small group stage her house to sell. I keep a stash of neutral decor items to stage the house. No reason not to loan them out. But while I was hunting all the stuff down in various hiding places, I realized I have so much "stuff" and it needed to find a home. Or leave my home.
Some of the stuff I used in my house. Some of the stuff I reused and created something different.
The first project was this group of three pumpkins.
Stole the idea from here which I, of course, found on Pinterest. We have an entire box of wood scraps. Chris sawed a piece down for me and spray paint plus scrapbook paint did the rest. I think they turned out great. Not as professional looking as the original but not half bad. Super easy project.
Those I made with specifically with my friend in mind. She and I share a love of all things pumpkin.
Next project, I decided to finally use the paint lids I've been saving for years. Like since we painted the house three years ago. The paint was no VOC paint so, high five, no fumes and not toxic!
I KNEW I would find a use for them some day. And this week, I found a use.
Super simple project. Take fabric, poly fil, a glue gun and some ribbon. In total, took me about an hour to do this whole thing. Could have made them into Christmas ornaments too. But I needed a Fall gift. These work.
No pin for this one. But only because I didn't look for one. I feel pretty certain I'm not the first one to make something along these lines. Can use them as one piece for front door decor or split them into individuals. Love!
Then last night, I took the top of a basket I used as a shelf in Rhys' room (post on that once I finish decorating it) and made a Fall sign.
This might be my favorite. Cause y'all know I love turquoise and orange. Scrapbook letters (thanks again, Carrie!) and some Hobby Lobby inspiration. Came together so nicely.
Here's my Hobby Lobby cross inspiration:
My original intentions were to just use rosettes but it needed something bigger. I went to HL to look for something. Anything. I found that cross and knew I could make one similar. And so I did.
This one took longer. About two and half hours. But that's because I stitched the turquoise cross on top of the orange cross. They were hot glued together and stuffed with poly.
I know it went to a good home today. That made parting with it easier.
There are more projects. Because I might be slightly addicted to spray paint these days. But nap time is almost over so those projects will have to wait for another day.
We're off to decorate pumpkins at a local nursery this afternoon. Clearly, I need some sort of recovery group or intervention here.
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