Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Shhhh...Children Are Napping...


At this point, I've cooked dinner, ordered the last of the Christmas presents, started a load of laundry, gotten dressed in real clothes for Chick-fil-a's Craft Night tonight and caught up on Facebook.

I'm kinda lost now.

God sent me a hug today.  In the form of two children napping.  He's the best.  

Of course, Rhys feel asleep after another tantrum over his diaper.  He doesn't want to wear one but he won't wear the big boy underwear either.  Sooooo...he has to wear one or the other.  Once I was able to physically wrestle him into the diaper, he lost it over his sweatpants.  He didn't want them.

"Don't want these!"

"Okay, well, here's your pants drawer.  Let's pick out some different ones."

He stands there.  Staring.  FOR FOREVER.  

I had folded the ones he'd just taken off and put them back in the drawer.  He'd had them on for about three hours but if I washed every item of clothing my kids wear for three hours, they would run out of clean clothes in a day and a half.

Foolishly, I made some suggestions.  Really, I'm just not the best at sitting there silently FOR FOREVER.  My suggestions were not cutting it.

Finally, he selects a pair.

The EXACT PAIR he'd just pitched a fit about wearing.  For three hours.

"Awesome.  Let me help you put them on!"

Closed the door and ran like the wind to the kitchen.  

He started crying about 30 seconds later.  Lasted about five minutes and then he crashed out asleep.  Directly behind the door.  But whatever.  He's asleep.  


Now he's coughing but that, my friends, was a 90 minute nap.  

Hug. From. God.  

1 comment:

  1. If anyone deserved a hug it was you ladybug😍
    Love you!
