Friday, December 19, 2014

He'll Survive...

After Aubrey Kate's Christmas program, the teacher put out the sign up sheet for the class Christmas party.  I am the Paper Plates Mom.  For every classroom event, I watch other mommas bringing in their sheets of homemade sugar cookies.  Some decorated by their kids and some look Pinterest worthy.  

That's just not me.

Because who really wants to eat gluten free sugar cookies? one.

And I can't afford to bake g-free cookies for class events.  The mix is $5 a box.  

Plates?  $1.

That's a no brainer.

Unfortunately, with all the drama Pumpkin's breakdown brought on, I missed the plates.  Someone beat me to it.  

Clearly, they don't know that I AM the plate momma.

So I signed up for Kraft Easy Cheese.  

Largely because it was one of the few things left and it didn't require the use of gluten.  Sold.

What I didn't realize was how hard it would be to find KRAFT easy cheese.  I could find other brands but not that one.

Monday while AK was still at school, I decided to be brave and take Rhys with me to another grocery store to look for KRAFT easy cheese.  I figured we could get in and get out fairly quickly at this store.  Plus, I really needed a Snickers.  And some caffeine.  

This grocery store has the car carts.  I hadn't planned on using it since it was meant to be a quick in and out.  Rhys does better just walking with me.  Even if "walking" is more like running and "with me" means he's in the same store I am.

He spotted the cart and climbed right in.  I knew better than to get my hopes up that he'd stay inside the darn thing.  Especially since I know it is WAY more fun to climb in and out while the cart is in motion.  

Rhys likes to live on the edge like that.

And, that's exactly what happened.

I couldn't seem to find the blasted cheese.  It's not all that popular around here, I guess.  I've never bought nor eaten the stuff.  Blah.  So I had to walk the aisles several times trying to find it.  

Which gave Rhys ample time to explore the car.

He literally tried to climb on top of it.  Multiple times.  My job was to pull him off and try to keep him alive.  Which is really the entire reason for my existence as Rhys' mom.  JUST KEEP THE BOY ALIVE.

We passed a woman once.  Thankfully, we didn't knock her over.  She had smiled at Rhys.  That's a big plus.  Most people scowl at me.  Oh, I hear what they're thinking.  "He's gonna hurt himself."  "Why doesn't she get him under control?"  "He needs a spanking."

But this lady smiled.  It was a welcomed relief.

Of course, because nothing is ever easy, we passed her again during our never-ending search for cheese product in a can.  This time she spoke...

"How old is he?"

"So very two."

"Oh, he'll survive it."

Then she looked at me..."So will you."

I smiled.

"He's adorable."

And she walked on.

There are really no words to describe how much that brief encounter meant to me.  

I get that he's crazy.  I get that he loves to climb and run and jump and play.  I also get that the general public wants to erase all memories of their toddlers.  Because there are days when it really does feel like we might not survive it.  And for that reason, I do my best to keep him out of public places.  

Like grocery stores.

But on the rare occasion I do have to take him out to be among other humans, the stares and disapproving looks from others are often hurtful.  Teaching him, guiding him, protecting's all a big task.  One God apparently believes me to be capable of handling.  But one I rarely feel up to.  

So the next time you see a momma and her crazy kiddos, try a little less scowling and a little more empathy.  Oh, I'm certain you have plenty of advice to give and I'm sure you've paid your dues as parents of a toddler but for the love, we're hanging on for dear life.  And I promise, we are out in public because we have to be.  Not because we wanted to inflict our crazy on poor unsuspecting you.

And underneath the crazy, they are pretty adorable.  Really.  I promise.

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