Thursday, September 25, 2014

"F" is for "Fire" Ants and "Fever" and We Had Nosebleeds Just for "Fun"..

Gotta love a week like this one.  Largely because they remind me to be grateful for regular crazy weeks.

You know.  The weeks NOT covered in ants and blood.

Rhys has been fighting a random fever all week.  Could be teething.  He's been chewing on his fingers and Froggy.  The fever was really high Monday afternoon through Tuesday morning.

And by Tuesday morning, I mean around 3:15 am when he woke Chris up crying.  They ended up spending a couple of hours on the couch watching Moses.  "The Prince of Egypt" on Netflix.  If you haven't watched it, do.  It's good.  Sure, they left Aaron out slaving away instead of standing by Moses in front of Pharaoh but the point of the story is still there.

Plus, if you watch it with me, I can offer you the added attraction of my ugly cry.   

Every. Time.

Pretty sure if Chris was ugly crying it was because he was awake at 4 in the morning.

I know Rhys' fever was pretty high.  Both because Chris told me and because Rhys told me.

"Daddy. Took. Shirt. Off. Rhys-ie. Hot."

(SIDENOTE:  He calls himself "Rhys-ie" because the teachers at the Kids' Park do.  I do not.)

Tuesday, he seemed totally fine.  I thought for sure he'd be super fussy what with missing two full hours of sleep the night before but he was fine.

Also Tuesday morning, Aubrey Kate woke up to discover her face...and the sheets...bloody.  With the change in seasons...every change in seasons...she gets nose bleeds.  I used to get them as a kid.  Chris too.  So pretty much, she was doomed.  It doesn't weird her out at all.  She just deals.

She's a rock star like that.

We cleaned her up, got the sheets changed and laundry started all before Rhys woke up.

Since we couldn't go to the Kids' Park, thanks to the previous day's fever, we decided to go to the park.  The weather was awesome too.  The kids were super excited to be heading back outdoors for some park time!

Until we got there.

I got AK out of the car first and, per usual, told her to go stand on the sidewalk while I got Rhys out of the car.

She didn't.  She decided to go to the park fence instead.  And that was a mistake.

Just after I got Rhys out, I heard AK start screaming, "SOMETHING'S BITING ME!!!"

I ran towards her and saw her standing smack in the middle of a gigantic ant bed.

I picked her up, ran to the sidewalk and started swiping off ants like crazy.  They were half way up her leg but PRAISE JESUS for leggings!  She was crying and scared.  Both kids were.  Rhys was crying too.

Once I got them all off, I scooped her up and right there in the middle of the sidewalk, we snuggled.  All three of us.

After just a few minutes, she asked to go potty and she said she could walk there.  I was totally stunned.  But it only took her about 10 minutes to get calmed down.  By the time we'd gone potty, she was ready to play.

I was speechless.

She found a couple of new friends her age and gleefully played with them while Rhys and I explored.  About an hour in, she got another nosebleed.

Well, of course.

We sat at a picnic table, ate a snack and got blood cleaned up.

Then she trotted off again to play.

We were there almost two hours.  AFTER being nearly eaten alive by fire ants.

We got home and put on some cortisone cream but she said that actually made them hurt worse.  Probably so, since I had to rub in the cream.  The rest of the day was pretty normal. Lunch, nap, grocery store and a movie.  Because it did hurt for her to walk around too much.

The letter of the week at school is "F."  I jokingly told her she could take her fire ant bites for Show and Share.  She was stinkin' thrilled with that idea.  

So that's exactly what she did on Wednesday.  

Mrs. Webber said she was hilarious telling the story.  I bet.  

The rest of the week she's been favoring the foot.  The bites swelled up nicely.  They've all turned into sores now and her foot is rather bruised.  We counted about 20 bites, including one on her hand.  Rhys and I didn't get any in all the chaos.  Which was a crazy miracle.

Rhys' fever returned Wednesday afternoon.  He's coughing and not sleeping very well.  Mostly, he's been in a pretty fair mood.  After nap is the worst.  Both the kids have struggled with post-nap.  Aubrey Kate used to just sit in my lap and cry.  She cried for 45 solid minutes one day.  Rhys is equally as bad.  He's groggy and can't be comforted.  It's oh so much better when he's under the weather.

Today, though, no fever again.  AK's foot is blue with ant bite bruises.  But, praise the Lord, no more nosebleeds.  

It has been almost a normal day.  They both had a blast at Tot Time at Chick-fil-a this morning.  We read a book about three baby owls and then did an owl craft.  She's got a cracker in her mouth in this picture.  

Literally, this might be the only picture I took of her face this week.  Every other photo was of her feet.  Grateful we got to spend at least one day this week having "fun."  I'm over the fire ants and fever and yes, even nosebleeds.

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