Y'all are dying with anticipation, right?
Based on my increased number of posts, by now you might have realized one of two things has happened:
1) The laptop healed itself
2) I've resigned myself to the deafening quiet of the bonus room
Well. Neither.
Sometime in December (I think), Chris came home with a new work laptop. He was so excited. And proud! Almost like he was bringing home ACTUAL bacon for the family.
My first thought was Well, that's super. Now you have TWO. Goody.
Turns out he was really excited because he could now leave his laptop at home for me.
He spent the better part of four days getting it all set up. Who knew it needed that much work? But now it's "mine" and I have spent some serious quality time with it.
Because, seriously, it's amazing Pinterest survived at all what with my prolonged pinning absence.
Thus y'all now get to enjoy meaningless posts creatively titled "Weekend Wrap-up."
You're welcome.
I guess I should back up a little further and hit the Great Blizzard of 2014. It occurred between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:00 pm on Thursday, February 6th.
We were inside all day. Watching the snow fall. And it was really pretty. The kids were desperate to go outside and play. AK actually remembers building the world's smallest snowman last year. Even reminded me we would need blueberries for eyes and a baby carrot for the nose.
Maybe she got Uncle Adam's memory. That would be awesome!
Unfortunately, what they love IN THEORY about the snow, they don't like IN REALITY.
Like the frozen part.
Or the wet part.
Or the bundling up in layers of clothes part.
I managed to pro-long the excursion until after lunch. There was a good amount of snow on the ground by then.
Here they are. Thrilled by the wonder of it all.
But this snow was dry. I couldn't get it to stick together to make a snowman. So we resorted to getting spoons and a big bowl to gather enough to make some snow ice cream.
Took way longer than it should have to make the snow ice cream and it ended up just being "okay." I took the more cautious route and LEFT OUT the eggs. Which is just wrong. Because ice cream needs eggs. But my other half has a crazy-weird fear of raw eggs. Makes no sense to me. I've been eating raw eggs in homemade ice cream and cake batters FOR FOREVER and never gotten sick.
Occasionally, I give up what I want to make him feel better.
So no eggs.
But it was pretty.
Don't all things look better in mason jars?
And there you have Thursday.
Friday was a normal day.
At this point, normal means 30 degrees. We've been spending a good deal of time indoors. As all moms know, that can make for some pretty long days. We do bubble baths in our master bath tub. We watch movies. Build forts. Color. Cook. Eat popcorn. Race cars.
But after two weeks of this, I'm running out of things to do.
And then this happened:
Yes. Yes, those are pictures of my children putting Q-tips in the drawer spaces in Aubrey Kate's dresser.
How impressed are you with my mom skills?
Look. It kept them entertained for a good half hour. I.Will.Take.It.
Saturday was another normal day. Chris worked. Which is totally normal. We went to the gym and then spent the afternoon shopping for fabric.
AK helped me make a scrappy tutu for my friend's little girl (the boy got pants). She thought it was so fun. Then she asked me to make her one for Valentine's.
And I died with JOY.
So we loaded up Saturday afternoon and picked out fabric. She had a blast. Rhys, not so much. But us girls, WHOO-HOO, PRETTY STUFF!
Chris got home from work around 5ish and took Rhys to Lowe's to look at "manly things." And by that, he meant getting stuff to hang up a coat rack for me.
Super manly.
That left AK and me at home to cut fabric and get started on her tutu. She surprised NO ONE by being more interested in playing with the fabric than actually putting the skirt together. So I finished it after she went to bed.
Not the best photo but heavens, she's adorable. We'll get a better picture Friday when she wears it to school for her Valentine's Party.
I love making her stuff.
Sunday I went to the gym while Chris fed, dressed and entertained the children. The Plague prevented me from getting in a whole lot of exercising last week and I needed to at least give running a try before the 5K.
We are members at the cheap gym that doesn't provide towels. We have these little washcloth sized things that you would more likely use to wash your car than your body but hey, it's worth it. But that means on the days when I do use their showers, I tend to forget my towels.
Tank tops to the rescue!
After church (which was AWESOME), I cooked lunch while Chris worked on hanging that coat rack.
It's not really a coat rack. It's more like a candle holder. Chris and I went through the left-overs of his grandmother's house during Christmas and I found OH SO MANY treasures! I'll have to share all of them with you when everything is finished.
As soon as I saw the candle holder, I knew it was perfect for the coat rack.
It's just the right height for the kiddos. AK can actually HANG UP HER COAT instead of dropping it in the middle of the floor.
Doesn't mean she does so but it's totally possible.
She'll simply need some additional training in that area.
I love it. Looks exactly how I needed/wanted/envisioned.
Sunday night was small group (LOVE) and The Beatles Tribute Show (ALSO LOVE).
And here we are today. Where I ran a mile and a half (no pain!) and only woke up once last night with a coughing fit. And, OH AND, where Rhys ate two yogurts!
Seems like today is already wildly successful.
But we'll have to see what kinds of craziness I can come up with to entertain the Littles this afternoon while the wind and 28 degree wet weather whips outside.
Once you've hit Q-tips in a drawer though, it feels like it's all downhill from there.
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