Monday, February 24, 2014

I know, I missed Gratitude Friday...

But I have a good reason.

My Parents!

They came.  And filled me up.  Do your parents do that?  Just fill your heart?  Ground you and make you feel like you could fly all at the same time?

Goodness, I hope so.

And that's apart from lovin' on my kiddos.  That fills me with overflowing JOY.

Because THIS:

My dad is an AWESOME winner.  But a not-so-awesome loser.  
Flip side, Aubrey Kate is a first-class cheater.  

Dad won.  


As if the tongue wasn't clue enough.  

But don't you love my dad's smile?  He loves her.  And having been a little girl loved by that man, she is one blessed lady.

Then we took AK to see her first movie.  "Frozen."  No lie, girly's been asking to go for WEEKS.  We might possibly have been the last people to see it.  In the world.  There were about 10 other people in the theater and they were actually singing along with the bouncing snowflake.  Clearly, they'd see it before.

My little...little... girl ate almost an entire medium popcorn all by herself.  I helped some but she was eating me under the table.  Easy.  

That is the face of one happy girl!

Saturday was The Cowtown.  I was just running the 5K.  Most ran the half or full on Sunday.  One day.  I swear, one day.  

I had little expectation for my run.  My knee had been feeling pretty good during my runs but by the end of the day, it was ice, ice, baby.  Y'all know, though, that treadmill runs and street runs are two very different things.

The day was GORGEOUS.  Weather was PERFECT.  

And the run was FABULOUS.

Got to run with some dear friends and we talked the whole way.  Y'all.  No one talks to me on the treadmill.  But I guess the singing to the praise music worked its magic.  Pace was awesome and I hit a personal best.  Out of all THREE of the races I've done.

But the best part is the runners blew past the goal!  Not only does Abby have all the money she needs for a new liver but also for her medications!  


Sunday was church and lunch at BJ's.  Where I ate a gluten-free Pizzookie and then went home for a sugar-induced nap.

In case y'all have all been sitting around with clear schedules waiting for my "7" post, it's coming.  I've written and rewritten and rewritten.  Then started over from scratch.  Let's just say there has been A LOT of processing happening.  A LOT.  I've started reading James again to help with it.  Because he pretty much lays it out there for you.  And I feel like I need the full force of some getting-kicked-in-the-teeth revelation.  

Anyone else wanna share?

1 comment:

  1. We had a great time with all of you too. We love to be with you all anytime. Those little ones bring joy to our hearts.
    Love, Mom
