Whew! What a week!
My parents came in town. First to watch the football game Monday night with us and then to check out the fabulous colors of Chris' toe.
The football game didn't turn out exactly as we had hoped but really, in a season when Auburn was expected to do almost nothing exciting, well, it's hard to be disappointed.
The one regret I have is that I did not video us cheering...silently...because SLEEPING BABIES. It was a level of awesomeness I cannot even begin to describe.
My football decorations are still up. I'm sad the season is over and can't seem to get fired up about taking them down.
The other event this week was getting invitations out for a baby shower we're hosting in February. For twins. A boy and a girl. God intervened in a million little ways to help those hit mail boxes today. With the correct information.
For me, I ran my longest run since the "Month of the Stomach Bug" in December. Five miles. Not breaking any records but it felt a.maz.ing. I've signed up for a race at the end of February. Which sounds like a long time away but since the possibility of missing some training days thanks to either myself or the kids being sick, it's like tomorrow. I'll do a whole post on that run.
Be warned...I'm looking for sponsors.
But it's for an awesome cause.
So overall, a good week. Really good, actually.
But what I am most grateful for is Chris being home this weekend. He was supposed to be out of town this weekend but he didn't have to judge...so he didn't have to go. First year he's missed out.
He's all broken up about it.
He surprised us with dinner out tonight and tomorrow, weather and the children's moods willing, we're gonna head out on a picnic tomorrow.
Weekends together as a family are a huge blessing. A surprise one is even better!
Hope y'all get to spend a great weekend together with your family!
We had a great time visiting with you all too. I hope we can do more of these.
ReplyDeleteLove, Mom