Monday, December 9, 2013

Pocahontas the Butterfly...

Okay, so backing up...


The joyous thing about having a three year old is her ability to completely disagree with me on the minutest of topics.  Really, it's an unbelievable talent.  One AK has mastered.  

So knowing I couldn't just throw her in a tutu and pumpkin tee shirt again this year, I started planning, scheming, attempting to out think the temperamental three year old.  

Knowing full well, it likely would not work.

Her favorite movies, at the time, were Pocahontas and Tangled.  

Personally, I like Pocahontas better.  And here's why:

1.  She choses her responsibilities over her boyfriend
2.  She was older than 18

Reasons I don't care for Rapunzel:

1.  She fell for the first guy she met.  
2.  She was 18 when she did it.


Granted, Aubrey Kate doesn't care one whipstitch about my reasons.  She thinks both are fabulous.  

But since I'm the one buying the costume, I opted for my favorite.  The fewer princess outfits in my house, the better.

I found an adorable little Native American type dress online.  

For $4. 


I ordered and crossed my fingers she would be into it.

And she wasn't.  What she was into was being a Butterfly.

Right, cause I totally saw THAT one coming.

Nana had given her butterfly wings for her birthday.  I pulled her blue tutu from her six month photo shoot out of the back of the closet. (yes, six months.  Skinny girl.)  And made a butterfly tee shirt to match.

She was ho-hum about it.  But she wore it.

This is the best I can offer as a photos.  She's still not all that jazzed about having her picture taken.  But she had a blast at the Trunk or Treat.  Got lots of treats and, AND, got to jump in the bounce house FOUR TIMES.

She's still talking about it.

So here's the best news...

She wore her Pocahontas costume to school!  

Basically, she had two costumes this year.  Considering the previous two years she really didn't have one, that seems okay with me.  The butterfly cost $3 for the tee shirt (which I already had on reserve) and four whole dollars for Pocahontas.


Good gracious.  How adorable is she?  No really.  Like on a scale of 1 to 10, she hits a 12 easily.

The dress is big enough to wear for several years.  Won't happen but it'll be a good back up should that become necessary.

Don't want to leave out Homeboy.  He wore a tee shirt Nana got him.  

And he pretty much melts my heart.  Even got the little dimple under his eye in this one.  

He also jumped in the bounce house but so far, he hasn't mentioned it again.  

All in all, a great Halloween experience this year.  I suspect this will be the last year I can continue to avoid true trick or treating.  So far, I have her convinced the Trunk or Treat IS trick or treating.  That ain't gonna fly forever.  

But I suspect my kiddos will continue to be the cutest _fill-in-the-blank_ every Halloween.

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