Friday, December 20, 2013

Gratitude Friday...

Stomach Bug Round II hit this week.  

Today is day five.  

And Chris has been out of town most of the week.  

Good times.

So I'm takin' this post to the one thing that makes life doable...


Basically, this is post six of December and two of them have been about music.  

Now I hate math but I think...I THINK...that's a third.

By the end of most days this week, I have been hanging on by a very slim thread.  This particular stomach bug doesn't hurt but I am horribly nauseous.  Which means what little I have been able to eat goes out of me faster than I can eat it.  

Which is more information than you needed to know.  And most certainly more than you wanted to know.

But that makes for a rather weak momma.  

So we dance.  Or the kids dance and I WHOOP-WHOOP wave my hands in the air like I just don't care.  


Can I tell you how much I adore watching them dance around?  Aubrey Kate loves to ask me to watch her "do ballet" or "my cha-cha."  Not a single clue where she got these ideas but they are precious.  And no, neither dance even slightly resemble reality.  Which only makes them more adorable.

We're mostly still rockin' out to "Let It Be Known" (aka The Up Up song).  Just turning it on makes Rhys start bouncing and stamping his feet.  

And yes, that is also super adorable.

But when the dancing ends and it's time to start the battles of the night (meaning picking up our toys and bath time), I need my own music.  Because being weak is one thing during playtime but during a battle, it can be a turning point in the war.

And I'm not waving a white flag of surrender anytime soon.

That's when I need these songs to get me through.  Well, because they are prayers for the Holy Spirit to get me through.  And He shows up.  Every.  Time.  

1.  Holy Spirit - Bryan & Katie Torwalt

2.  Oh How I Need You - All Sons & Daughters

3.  Desert Song - Hillsong Live

4.  Beautiful Exchange - Hillsong Chapel 

I'm gonna let the songs speak for themselves.  Or, more importantly, let the Holy Spirit speak to you through them.  

They lift me up.  Bring me strength.  And help me keep my white flag of surrender well hidden.

Lord, thank you.  I am grateful.

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