Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Weigh-in Wednesday: The End...

Unbelievably, it's been a year since I decided I was over it and wanted to get serious about losing the baby weight.  

It's been quite the year.  

On one hand, I didn't reach my goal.  Still have five pounds hanging around.  And mostly around my belly.  If I don't suck in my stomach (which I do all the time because I will never forget the moment my grandmother informed me it was time to start doing so at the ripe old age of 11), I still look a little second trimester pregnant.  That adorable belly stage when it's round and nothing else is swollen.  

After the first baby, things went back to where they were supposed to go pretty quickly.  Honestly, I remember thinking well, that wasn't so hard.  What's all the fuss about?  

And then the second pregnancy.  

Ah, that's what all the fuss was about.

That's one hand.

The other hand is that I have spent most of the past year not feeling all that swell and thus, not really doing anything to help myself get back into shape.  By the Lord's grace and mercy, I am feeling better between attacks/flare ups/flu-like junk so running is back on my daily agenda.  

True confession is I don't run to lose weight.  That's just an added benefit.  I run because I want to stay active.  And because I like to eat.  Six miles is about 500 calories and that is a whole lot of M&M's.  

Put those two hands together and I have to say, I'm okay with where I am.  

Five pounds.  If they never go away, it's okay.  

I'm between sizes but meh.  It's okay.

At this point in my life, which is closer to 40 than 30, I'm grateful to be have two gorgeous kids, a husband who is totally blind to the five pounds and a job that allows me to hang around in yoga pants most of the time.  There's not a Best Looking Mommy competition going on in my world.  I'm sure this is in some.  But not mine.  


(There's always a "but")

...I do want to make sure I take care of myself.  Being the skinniest or the prettiest is both not a priority and, let's face it, never gonna happen, but I do want to teach my children that caring for your body is okay.  

This body isn't my soul, it's just a home for it while I'm here on earth.  I certainly don't want to make taking care of my body an idol.  However, the number of days I am on this planet is up to God and I can chose to live them active and healthy or I can chose not to do so.  Won't change how long I'm here.  Will simply change how I can spend those days.  

My health will continue to be a priority.  Just not weight loss.  At least, not right now.  I'm sure the older I get, the harder maintaining will become.  And then weight loss and being healthy might again meet.  

Until then, I'm gonna run when I can, eat in relative moderation and enjoy this life.  
One last photo to document the end.  Didn't think I'd end this without a photo did you?

The End.

The Beginning.

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