For reasons known only to God and Aubrey Kate, she was up half the night last night.
Doing what?
Pretty much a little bit of everything.
First, she came out of her room around 8:30 pm (an hour after I tucked her in) saying she was hungry. A glass of chocolate milk later, Chris came home.
She was waiting at the dining room window so she would make sure she could run out to meet him the minute he pulled up in the drive way.
Had I known those were her plans, I would have stopped her from unlocking, opening the door and literally meeting him the minute his car came to a full and complete stop.
But, alas, I seem to be horrible at reading her mind.
All that means she didn't get to sleep until after 9 pm.
Then at 12:30 am, she woke Chris up crying out in the middle of a dream. I heard her but he actually got up to check on her. I was so tired, I was totally willing to chance it and let her cry on her own.
I'm just that kind of risk taker.
Then sometime around 3:30 am, she came out of her room to go to the bathroom. She woke us up again to help her wipe.
As she informed me this morning, pull-ups are not made to hold poopy.
Well, clearly.
After that, she was WIDE awake. Brought toys into her room, came into the living room and played, talked with her animals, banged her beads together.
I got up a little before 4 to tell her for the love of all things middle of the night, BE QUIET.
Not a single clue when she went to bed. I turned the white noise up to levels the neighbors could probably hear and fell asleep an hour later.
To my absolute shock, she came waltzing in the living room this morning at 7:20 am. And currently, she's playing well in her room during quiet time.
How she's not catatonic, I have no clue.
This girl.
I think I speak for all the moms who are not far removed from the sleepless nights and zombie-like state during the day of newborn babies when I say...
...I love sleep.
Perhaps more than a great fitting pair of trouser jeans.
That's a lot, y'all.
So today, I'm grateful for full nights of sleep. And the occasional mental recharge of an afternoon cat nap.
Let's all join in prayer and ask for God to knock Aubrey Kate out cold tonight.
For the entire night.
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