Friday, June 21, 2013

Gratitude Friday...

Does anyone else feel like this was the week of "Is that for real?"  

Like, for real, the FBI just spent how much time, energy and resources to try and find Jimmy Hoffa's body?  Again?  Can someone smarter than me explain why we are still searching for him?  I don't get it.

Like, for real, Dwayne Wade says, post-title win, he wants everyone to call him "Three" and refuses to answer to reports using his name instead of "Three"?  That's a level of self-centered-ness I cannot even fathom.  

And, for real, Homeboy gets hand, foot and mouth disease?  Like as soon as we are a healthy house, we're suddenly not?  For real, we're like on quarantine and total lock-down for the next week?

I'm pretty much walking around shaking my head in disbelief.  

That is when I'm not holding a feverish little man in my lap singing "Jesus Loves Me" for a half hour to try and sooth him.  

Today is better.  His fever broke over night and that is a total blessing.  The sores on his body are getting worse though so I know the blisters in his mouth and throat must be too.  

We're keeping a close eye on Aubrey Kate.  She is a complete trooper and can be sick without any of us knowing it.  Really, she's a pain rock star.  Constant ear infections, teething, RSV and straight up, the only time we knew she was sick was if there was a fever.  

And we're washing our hands like crazy.  Me, probably not as much as I should.  It's pretty hard to do and still function.  I have to hold him.  Yes, he's gonna drool and sneeze and cough all over me but getting up to wash my hands every time would be, well, crazy.  

Chris did a much better job at lunch today of making sure he kept his hands clean.  

So of course, should I get this, I will not at all be surprised.  

If Chris gets it, he'll be a little perturbed.  

All that leads me to this:  I am very grateful for a Kingdom view of life.  Grateful I find things of this world so very temporary.  

Doesn't really matter where Jimmy Hoffa's body is.  His soul isn't with it.  "Three" could win another three titles and he would still be Dwayne.  One day, those worldly crowns won't count for a single thing.  And as frustrating as illness is, I know it's only of this earth.  Looking forward to my home where there will be none of those darn fevers or sores.  

However, I will say, I am also grateful for little man snuggles.  Even if he is drooling and crummy.  I pretty much adore holding him in my lap and soothing him singing.  It's not a bad job.  And certainly one I know makes much more of a difference than dead gangers and athletic titles.  

1 comment:

  1. For real "3". So dumb. I cannot stand all these athletes with such big egos.
