Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Last Day of School...

Straight up, where did this year go?  

I have no idea how my baby turned into this:

Who is that big girl?

I remember last spring when we went to visit the preschool, I looked at the two year class and commented on how big they were.  I glanced down at my baby and could not believe she would look like those big kids in a year.

But she does.  

I can't even fathom how big she'll look this time next year.

It's sad to leave this little class.  Her teachers were wonderful.  As are most teachers.  They honestly loved being with two year olds.  And her little friends.  Heavens, she adored them.  All us mommies are crossing our fingers they are together next year.

We have loved learning with her.  The Super Man Blessing was worth it all by itself.

To the Super Man theme song:

Thank you, God, for giving us food!
Thank you, God, for giving us friends!
For the food we eat
And the friends we meet
Thank you, God, for giving us food!


And yes, you are totally welcome for that.  It will eventually get out of your head.  Eventually.

Her music time was definitely a blessing.  She learned all kinds of kids songs we had forgotten even existed.  I'm not the mom who seeks out kids songs to teach the kiddos.  It's not on purpose, really.  It's just I'd rather sing praise songs.  

Which we do oh so much.

She got to do all kinds of arts and crafts.  Things that give me hives.  

Like finger painting.

Just typing the words makes my heart race.

Oh, the mess.

But she loved it.  And I am grateful she got to do it, lots, away from my house.

As much as she loved creating, she also loves taking it apart again.  Drives.  Me.  Nuts.  But she loves it.  I think it's her right-brained-ness leading the way.  Creating and destroying are equally expressive.  If I want to keep the art work, I have to hang it up right away and stand her begging me for it during the entire five minute ride home.  Which is the time when she does the most destruction.  

No, I don't know why.

The entire year was joyful for Aubrey Kate and us.  So much fun seeing her learn.  Listening to her share.  Watching her make friends.  I know school won't all be uplifting and not everyone will be her friend.  When those days come, I will look back on these sweet years and smile.


  1. What a sweet note! I know you will always cherish those words. She is learning by leaps and bounds. I love you AK.

  2. Oh my goodness, such a living doll! Glad her preschool went so well and Happy Graduation to AK and you!:)
