Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Happy 7 Months and 2 Days...

Seven months!  I tell Rhys often how over the moon crazy in love I am with him.  Because it is the absolute truth.  How could you not be?  Do you see that smile?

Heart.  Breaker.

Also, go ahead and note the smudged lipstick.  Squirmy baby.  I felt good it wasn't worse.  

So since last month, we did have our 6th month doctor's appointment.  He was a challenge.  The paper was impossible to resist.  They had to replace the roll when we left.  Favorite patient ever.

For his stats, he weighed in at 17 lbs 10 oz or 43%.  He was 27.75 inches or 81%.  And his head circumference was 42.5 cm or 16%.

Tall, skinny, small head.

At least he's consistent.

He also got three shots.  Homeboy does not like shots.  He screams, SCREAMS, bloody murder both during and after.  I think it took him close to 10 minutes to fully calm down.  It kills me.

I medicate myself with McDonald's french fries on our way home.

Once home, he ate and took a good nap.  But it took him a while to get comfortable and that ended up with him on his back.  He is an exclusive belly sleeper so this view on the monitor was pretty sad.

After nap, he was in pain.  His little legs were sore to the touch.  It's actually pretty difficult to hold a baby without touching his legs.  Not sure if you were aware of that or not.  

I got some Tylenol down him with only a little bit being spit into my face.  Score!

He finally feel asleep in my lap.  

It was torture.  

I believe God probably got tired of hearing me thank Him for those snugly moments for the entire hour.  

Thankfully, he was only sore for that afternoon.  The next morning he woke up all smiles again.  Seriously, he wakes up every morning happy and ready to play.  It's such a joy.

As for his schedule, he's doing a good job of sleeping through the night.  He wakes up around 6:00 am.  I feed him and put him back down.  Sometimes he goes back to sleep and sometimes he just plays until I give up and spring him.  But honestly, 7:30 pm to 6:00 am is not bad.  Considering Pumpkin didn't sleep through the night consistently until after she got tubes at 10 months, we have zero complaints.

Eating is another story.

Currently, we are scarfing down seven...that's 7...bottles of 7-8 oz of formula a day.  Or, a container of formula every four days.  He's also eating three meals a day.  2 - 3 TBSP of rice cereal with 2-3 tsp of a fruit or veggie.

If you would like to make a donation to the Feed Rhys Fund, we accept all forms of cash and Target gift cards.

Of course, the ginormous amount of food is because of the whole crawling thing.  Oh yes.  We are mobile.  Really, we've been mobile.  What with the scooting and rolling.  But now he's actually crawling.  Although he gets rather frustrated with it.  I don't think he moves fast enough.

That leg.  He uses it sometimes and other times he just straight crawls.  Pumpkin did the crab crawl with her leg out too.  But she never did a straight crawl.  

He's also doing this weird stand up crawl thing.  Homeboy so desperately wants to walk.  Not kidding when I say, he might figure it out pretty soon.  

Afternoon strollin'...
Evening strollin'...

Really, Rhys is simply wonderful.  He's somber and solemn in public.  Taking it all in.  Studying, learning, analyzing.  But at home, he's more comfortable full of smiles and giggles.  I am totally okay with both of those.  He and I can sit at the mall one day and people watch together.  Aubrey Kate and Chris can go be social somewhere.  

When I pick him up out of the crib, he lays his head on my shoulder and wraps his arms around my neck.  I melt.  And fall in love just a little bit more.  That seems impossible though because I fall asleep at night thinking there is no way my heart could love him anymore.  But then the next morning, it grows even bigger.  

Oh my heart...

What's this?...

My Valentine...
Look, Mommy!  No hands...
When can I get out of this thing?...