Friday, November 2, 2012

Gratitude: Musicians...

I know, I know.  I was expecting to do a post each day on specific people too.  But today, well, it was awesome.  God provided.  He answered prayers.  He met needs in ways that made me dance just a little bit.

And praise Him!

There are lots of reasons I miss working sometimes.  But I have to say, I do genuinely miss the commute time in the car.  

Those hours were spent doing a whole lot of talking with God and singing praises.  

Today I got to spend a little time in the car hitting three grocery stores (and still not done shopping).  Pumpkin and Homeboy were at home with Meme and Buddy so, well, there was quiet.  

Quiet is totally underestimated.

But after some amazing shopping, a little miraculous news in a text message and a day spent watching my kiddos being loved on by their grandparents, the car was no longer quiet.

It was loud.

I started thinking, thank heavens people write such amazing songs!  

And God whispered..."Right?!?!"

So today, I am grateful for all the people God uses to put those songs together.  Singers, songwriters, producers, musicians, publicists, assistants, and on and on and on.  What a wonderful tapestry of people He weaves together so I can drive and praise Him regardless of how off key I am (which is a lot)!  

1 comment:

  1. Christian music can so touch my soul too! I'm so trying not to say anything about the music at my church... No good words for that. There are so many beautiful words to music, I'm thankful too! I wish our 'choir director' knew some of those songs:)
    Love, Mom
