Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Gratitude: Mom and Dad...

On my stove are two pans of cornbread just waiting to be turned into a holiday must have in our family.

Dad's dressing.

Gluten-free style.

Tomorrow will mark only the second time in my life I have spent a holiday apart from my parents.  The first was when I was 16 and I spent Thanksgiving in Paris.  

Another story for another day.

This is also only our second Thanksgiving we haven't gone home to Alabama.  Our first was in 2008 after our first IVF attempt was cancelled.  Our families came out here instead.  

I realize this may not be the last holiday we are apart either.  Two kids and 12 hours in a car is a lot to take.  Both for the kids and the adults.  And while I want our kids to be a part of our extended families' holidays, I also want to spend some holidays making memories in our own home.  At some point, I want to see my children's excitement over Christmas morning in their house.  Our house.  In Texas.  

But none of that means I miss my parents any less.  

My family is really not that big.  In fact, my brother and I had no cousins until we were adults.  Growing up, it was mostly just us and Grandmother and Granddaddy or us and Mammaw and Pappaw.  Small and quiet.  

I didn't know what it was like to have a big family until I married Chris.  His family feels, well, gigantic compared to mine.  And they get together all the time.  At least his dad's side does.  Holidays, birthdays, Flag Day, random name it, they are together.  

Or so it seems from 12 hours away.

But here's the interesting part.  Even though it was just our little family for most every holiday, Mom and Dad always treated it, and us, like we were as big as Chris' family.  

Dad cooked his best, most beloved recipes.  Mom decorated like royalty would be arriving any minute. Scented candles were lit.  Place mats and the good silverware put on the table.  

Holidays were always special.  Even for just the four or six of us.  

Throughout my life, my parents always made sure my brother and I were well loved.  I remember coming home from college to a mint on my pillow.  I swear.  That actually happened.  

It wasn't a feeling of being special but of being a part of something cozy.  Warm, happy and well fed.  

That's what we are working to create here for our little family too.  Knowing the distance will change how we approach holidays, Flag Day and random Tuesdays makes a difference.  But I know I want Aubrey Kate and Rhys to always feel what my parents gave me growing up.  Well loved.  

Thank you, Mom and Dad, for loving us and teaching us no matter our size, each day can be wonderful as long as we're together with some good cooking, scented candles and the good silverware.  

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Ladybug! We missed all of you! Everyone asked if you were coming for Thanksgiving and I would say 'not till Christmas!' Holding on till then. Love you!
