Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The reason there is a Weigh-in Wednesday turns 3 months...

Yo, yo, yo!  Whazup y'all!

Homeboy here to talk about my being all 3 months old and stuff!

So, can I pull that off?


Okay, cool.

Hey y'all!  Welcome to my three month birthday!

What a great month it's been!  Except for Nana leaving.  That was not great.  I miss her.

And Mrs. JT!  I miss her too.

Who's next on the list of visitors?

Can't wait to find out!

As for stats this month, I am 26 inches long and weigh 14 lbs.

(Insert grunting a la Tim the Toolman Taylor)

I'm an awkward size.  I'm long so I need 6 months clothes but I'm skinny so those things are swimming on me.  Mom says that's a problem all women would kill to have.

Whatever that means.

For activity, I'm a fan.  Any and all activities are cool with me.  Started trying to grab toys.  Or Mom's hair.  I am rather proficient at that one.

Check out the video of me grabbing Giraffe.  Sister was asleep and that's pretty much the only reason Giraffe was anywhere near me.  I think she likes my toys more than I do.

I have also gotten really good at smiling.  It's fun to do and seems to make people happy.  When Mom comes in my room in the morning, I just start grinning ear to ear for her.  I guess she likes it.  Her voice goes up two octaves every time I do it.

She makes up songs to sing to me and really, that's just funny.  See video as example.

Forgive the weird camera angle.  If I see the phone, I'm too distracted by it to giggle for Mom.

Let me tell you what I don't like.  The carrier.  At.  All.  I cry when I get put in it and until the car or stroller is moving at full speed.  If we stop to say, let sister pick up a leaf, I get fussy again.  Mom can't put me in the grocery cart in the carrier.  I cry.  Loudly.  I am looking forward to sitting up so I can ride in the super cool cart.  Those look awesome.

I still take naps in my swing but I love to sleep in my crib at night.  I go to bed at 7:30 pm, wake up once at night around 4:00 am (give or take an hour) and then get up for the day around 7:00 am.  I am super sleepy in the morning so I'm awake about an hour before I need to take a nap.  

Lately, I've been on more of a four hour feeding schedule.  Mom is a fan of that.  During sister's nap, Mom and I get some time to ourselves.  We both really enjoy that.  

I must be doing something right because my day is really spent getting lots of kisses and smiles.  Mom is warm and snuggly and loves to hold me.  Which is cool.  I like being held.  

That's about it!  Overall, I'm a happy, content little guy.  

See y'all next month!

All Smiles!

Have we met?

Nah, I'm good not looking at the camera, thanks.

Oh, alright.  But I'm not smiling.

What was that bright light?!?!

1 comment:

  1. How precious!! Listen to that baby giggle, so sweet. He is growing up so fast. I love the Pumpkin Patch pics too. The one with AK with the characters was not on face book. I can just hear her excitement when she saw Elmo. What Fun. I see Rhys in the pot on a wedding rehersal video one day. Too cute. Love you, Mom
